AClockworkGarage said:
My tracking number updated finally. Looks like my package has arrived in the victim's town. should be on your doorstep in a day or two.
And so it was! A package arrived today from A Clockwork Garage, which since it is not THE Clockwork Garage is obviously a franchise.
I am prepared with the KA-BAR anti-zombie knife.

Ah, good thing I read the instructions.

I wanted to go layer by layer, but I am too much of a kid so I opened everything and played with it and then arranged it by function for photography.
Spoiler alert: there was no syrup.
Random swag and clothing category: Socks Against Humanity (with a quote from Adolph Hitler himself), a lanyard, some thoughtfully labeled sunglasses and a microfiber cloth.
In the "very interesting stuff that is left over in someone else's garage category", we have selected composites. That big C channel is very burly carbon fiber and the smaller ones are just begging to be sexy brackets. The big panel is fiberglass, I think. Excellent raw material for projects.

In the random auto parts class, we have a piece of radiator hose, an idler pulley, bearing and a water pump neck that I suspect is off an old SBC or something similar. Also, a Miata badge with magnets on the backside so I can make any vehicle an honorary Miata at will. That thing is going to get stuck to everything.

And yes, you can see a box of lobster candy. My wife declined to try some. I tried some. It is, umm, unusual and very clearly what it says on the tin.

I cannot categorize this, but we have a couple of USB power banks, a commemorative keychain that offers hints to the source of the composites, a proper spark plug keychain and an air freshener that I assume smells like a bear. Also, a gold bottle cap and a...umm...
You can take it apart.

It has adhesive on the back of both parts and it pops out. I think you stick the blue bit on your phone so you can take selfies, then the other bit goes on the wall or something so you can hang your phone on it. This was like trying to solve an escape room puzzle.

In the beverage holder department, we have a composite branded water bottle (these clockwork garages are heavily into composites) that is full of...some sort of tubing bracket that looks like it'll be quite useful...and the perfect koozie to take to NAPA.

Now, another puzzle. A very solid and remarkably dense 3D printed container with copyright infringement on it.

The top unscrews and reveals a very well protected bottle of WA beer. It can be swapped out for an open top. It's the world's most over engineered drink koozie! This is stupendous. It even has an O-ring to let everything seal nicely. Pretty darn good print quality, this is a well-tuned printer. Thank you!

The mystery of the Clockwork Garage brand becomes less mysterious - it's a license plate clock! This is cool. It even included a battery for instant gratification, although some assembly was required. Is there a story behind this particular plate?

Plus the sticker/magazine/Hot Wheels haul. I accidentally covered up 15 hp worth of Blipshift stickers that are themed, all the ones I get are generic. Plus, if anyone needs menus for the preferred WA pizza joints, I have you covered.

Most excellent. Thank you very much, that was well worth the wait. Cool raw material, neat stuff for the garage and a custom-built koozie that will get a lot of use.