Football season is upon us once again, which means neglected spouses, angry bookies, and a general lack of attention to anything non-football related for several months.
For those GRMers who would like to take a little more active role in the NFL season besides simply crying and gorging on wings, some board members have set up two options:
GRM Fantasy Football: Send a PM to 4cylndrfury who will hopefully post in this thread soon to get an invite to the GRM-only fantasy league. It's free, but you'll have to create an account with the host.
Weekly Pigskin Pickem: Go here:
Group name is GRM and the password is "Berkeley" (case sensitive). Pick the winners of each week's games to exercise intellectual superiority over your friends.
Play ball
PS - The winner of the Weekly Pigskin Game will get to be the Inaugural name on the perpetual "Lomberkeley Throphy", which will be hacked together at the end of the season using cast off AMC parts and a Yugo model.
ermmm...I set up the fantasy league...submit your email to butlerbmx at yahoo d0t com to be sent an invite.
Hurry Hurry, only 9 spots left!
What is this football you speak of?
ugh...what is this? Something popular in popular culture? obviously Ive never heard of it because Im too busy being interested in things youve never heard of...
I'd love to join the fantasy league if I wasn't already in 3 of them. 
Football is the one with the full-face helmets, right?
True story: Growing up we had small part of a New York Giants goalpost in our basement.
For the record the pigskin pickem is set up to be played without the spread, so you just pick the winners each week. Also I set it up to drop your worst week in case you forget to make your picks one week, or suck really bad (like I do).
Oh yeah I didn't set up the fantasy thing. I don't do fantasy. I set up the Pick 'em game.
Mazdax605 wrote:
Oh yeah I didn't set up the fantasy thing. I don't do fantasy. I set up the Pick 'em game.
My bad. Fixed, and thanks for your contribution.
David S. Wallens wrote:
Football is the one with the full-face helmets, right?
Nupe. That's NASCAR, which nobody cares about, except hipsters.
still 9 spots left. Invites must be sent by Email, so I will need you to send me an email to butlerbmx at yahoo dot c0m, or just post your email here and I will make sure you get an invite asap. The league draft is a week from today
OK, I'll bite: What was the piece of the goalpost in your basement used for?
In reply to 4cylndrfury:
My user name at Yahoo please email me an invite.
8/28/13 9:37 a.m.
Oh what the heck, only one league is boring. Email is forthcoming.
Invites sent - only 7 spots left...get em while the gettin's good!
In reply to 4cylndrfury:
Send invite to: mapintotc AT yahoo dot com
I'll have to auto-draft though 
Jav, invite sent! And dont sweat the autodraft, I think I may have to as well...You can add weight to certain players, so that if theyre still available, youll pick them at your next pick slot. I suggest doing this for several players at each position. If not, it will auto pick the next highest ESPN ranked player per roster spot you have available until your roster is full.
In reply to 4cylndrfury:
Oh, we're using ESPN and not Yahoo! ? Hmm, I might not do that then.
cool, its your call, but ESPNs fantasy site is pretty easy to learn/use. Ive never used Yahoo, so I cannot say for certain which is better...but I popped my FF cherry using it, and came in second in my co-worker league my first season, so it cant be that bad.
I'm so in on the Pick'em game!
7 spots left!
In reply to SilverFleet:
its pretty simple...pick a "team" of players - you pick a starter and a backup or 2 in each position that is set up in the bracket youre participating in (the system can autopick for you if you want). Your players can come from anywhere in the real NFL - your Reciver could be from Baltimore, and your QB from San Francisco, and your Defense from Florida. Each position is awarded or cost points based on that particular players performance that week. Your aggregate points are totaled by week, and you either win or lose compared to the fantasy person youre matched against for that week.
You can add ,trade, drop, or bench players based on the real NFL team theyre facing each week, or if theyre injured, or if their team has a bye week etc etc. It really doesnt take all that much time in reality. Maybe an hour a week? tops? Of course, you can spend much more time on it than that if you want.