This guy had his new 2010 Camaro for all of 20 hours and then this happened.

Hit by some kid with no insurance and no license.
The passenger compartment seems to have held up but man is the rear end gone.
Another reason to drive $200 beaters ;). Of beater might not have fared as well in the same collision...or rather I might not have fared as well.
5/13/09 11:32 a.m.
The good thing is that GM can poop out an identical car. So other than not being the coolest guy on the street for a while, he's right back where he started.
I saw one on the highway last week on the way home from the Mitty. I've been seeing pictures of the car in magazines and movies for so long that it barely even registered as being new.
5/13/09 11:32 a.m.
That is exactly why I carry Unissured/underinsurred on my policy. Along with "replacemnt value"
rebelgtp wrote:
Hit by some kid with no insurance and no license.
that kid needs to have his face knocked in by angry midgets with baseball bats
...sorry ...having a rough day
that other forum brought up a good point. Is insurance going to cover what he paid OVER the MSRP?
Yeah I doubt the insurance will cover that and will have to go to court to cover that bit.
I like the idea of the angry midgets with the baseball bats.
Also there is quite a demand for these cars right now I imagine getting another will take some time.
5/13/09 12:25 p.m.
That was a HARD impact. I have to assume the driver has some kind of medical issues. Probably a real case of whiplash and a helluva headache. Most safety designs seem to be for front and side impact, not getting nailed from behind. Do headrests actually do anything for this hit?
Funny, I had spottet my first one yesterday. So is this the first Totaled consumer camaro?
First one I have seen photos of. Funny thing is from the other thread they are saying it was hit by a Ford SUV...
5/13/09 12:30 p.m.
Does the price the guy paid really matter if the car is totalled and he's getting a direct replacement? Or do they just give you the cash and say go buy a new one? I've never been in a situtation like that.
They give you cash and say good luck most of the time.
My dad has the awesome set of tools...
5/14/09 2:23 a.m.
Dammit, Hess! I made it almost to the end of this thread, waiting for my opportunity, and there you were, stealing my line.
And on my birthday...
5/14/09 5:34 a.m.
I just saw one yesterday on the highway. Very cool.
Dr. Hess wrote:
That'll buff out.
Beat me to it.
Dibs on the mill!
I'd be wrenchin on it b 4 the tow truck arrived~!
That car would look pretty ok with a trunk delete/hatch look....
weld on an El Camino bed?
wasn't pontiac going to do that? didn't they ask people to name it or something?
I think he would have a case to sue the insurance company for replacement value. Not that I am sue happy, but if I had just thrown down 40 large on a car (not that I would), I would be FURIOUS...without the fast.
maroon92 wrote:
I think he would have a case to sue the insurance company for replacement value. Not that I am sue happy, but if I had just thrown down 40 large on a car (not that I would), I would be FURIOUS...without the fast.
How exactly is it the insurance companies problem that they should be the ones sued? They are not the ones that hit the car totaling it. Should it not be him and the insurance company suing the uninsured idiot that trashed his car? The insurance policy is there the cover the cost and damages to the car, however if he paid extra to get the car right now that is not really their problem.
it becomes their problem because the car cannot be replaced for MSRP...
while it is the person who caused the crash that is at fault, there is very often little you can do about uninsured drivers.