10/31/13 4:25 p.m.
They just rescheduled trick or treating to tomorrow night due to weather. Which is windy and a light rain so far...
I just checked online & in our Dayton area I see tonight, Friday, Saturday AND Sunday depending on the neighborhood. WTF? When I was a kid......(here we go) we went no matter what the weather was on the 31rst. Halloween is the 31rst.
I hope it doesn't snow on the 24th, they might move Xmas to the following week.
10/31/13 4:34 p.m.
Huh? That's bizarre...
Of course, I clean forgot it was Halloween because the party we go to every year was last Saturday...
10/31/13 4:51 p.m.
Yeah, when I first starting dating SWMBO and Halloween rolled around, she said something about looking up when trick or treating was. I was like, um, 31rst? Apparently in Dayton it could be different nights. Last year it was Tuesday 30th for some reason. Cincinnati was always the 31rst.

You cannot have trick or treat in November. If you're worried about the weather, you have it the preceding weekend. You do not postpone it until November.
10/31/13 5:19 p.m.
I've heard of some cincy neighborhoods rescheduling as well. And there's always the municipalities that have Halloween on different days or whatever.
Halloween is on the 31st. You want my candy? Nut up and walk throught the rain, snow, cold, tornado, whatever.
Give them a "trick" if they come on the 1st.
are we making up words now?
anyone from MN remembers the halloween blizzard of 1991- kids were out trick or treating in what would eventually wind up being almost 3 feet of snow..
Adults are trucking kids into the neighborhood, never seen these vehicles before in my life and there's a ton of 'em. It's raining like crazy too. Geezus, it's only candy.
My porch light is out btw.
10/31/13 5:41 p.m.
Who are "they" that have the power to say Halloween is not Halloween?
What are they gonna do if you take the kids trick or treating tonight, call out the National Guard?
That happens in my parent's neighborhood. Affluent, houses are close together - the kids get trucked in from all over. Didn't happen when I was a kid.
Our own neighborhood is too rural, the effort/payout ratio is too poor. I don't think we've had a kid at the door in 6 years.
Sure, sometimes there's weather on Hallowe'en. Or, All Hallow's Eve, if you want to get technical. But if you want the free candy, you deal with it.
Kids are coming around in the rain here in Michigan, we're made of sterner stuff than you guys south of the boarder
10/31/13 6:58 p.m.
we built our house in '63 ... we've never had a trick-or-treater (other than our next door neighbor (and that was only twice)
10/31/13 7:02 p.m.
It's raining/blowing a bit too much here for me to put my speakers out the window and blast Toccata and Fugue in D minor, along with other creepy music, as is my tradition. Boo - and not the scary kind of boo, the one that goes with 
Light misty rain down here, I've had three visits with a few kids in each.
Funniest so far: the kid has on what looks like an apron covered with fur, nothing on his head or face. Curmudgeon: 'Are you a bear?' Kid (voice dripping with disdain) 'No. I'm a werewolf.' 
Weather is perfect here. We've had a steady stream since 6:00pm. It's starting to taper off now.
They truck the kids into our neighborhood as well. It sucks because apparently in their neighborhood they don't say thank you after someone gives you free candy. My wife got annoyed and quit handing out. Some mom came to our door by herself saying she was collecting for her son. If he's too lazy to come out maybe he doesn't need the candy. 
We go to a close by neighborhood. But were in an apartment so not much treating here. When I was growing up my parents lived out in the sticks, so we always went into town to trick or treat. Weatjer has never been am issue. Mosquitoes on thw other hand....
10/31/13 7:53 p.m.
And I turned on the TV just to watch Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown, and they immediately broke into programming to to talk about the RAIN. Yes, the MOTHER berkeleyING RAIN. Are you E36 M3ting me? What is it with this berkeleying city?
Don't know about there but here they were forecasting heavy rain, high winds, and a low tornado threat, plus flash flooding.
10/31/13 8:00 p.m.
Jerry wrote:
What is it with this berkeleying city?
dunno. But when I lived in Ohio everybody made fun of Dayton. Zanesville too. But mainly Dayton.
10/31/13 8:03 p.m.
It's not a great idea to ring my doorbell in the dark on any night other than October 31st.
I don't know how anyone else feels, but I am sick of people pulling up with cars dumping their kids off at my door step.
I got home about an hour before T&T ended and a Grand Caravan pulled up with the hatch open and I swear 15 kids jumped out.
Freaking Ridiculous. 
Oh and the new trend for parents is boozing while with the kids

10/31/13 9:33 p.m.
Woody wrote:
It's not a great idea to ring my doorbell in the dark on any night other than October 31st.
It's not a great idea to ring my doorbell period.
Ours got delayed to Saturday at the last minute, however we have had storms, rain and power outages for the past 9 hours.
aussiesmg wrote:
Ours got delayed to Saturday at the last minute, however we have had storms, rain and power outages for the past 9 hours.
seems like that would add to the ambiance..