The e in etifosi no longer has a job, since last Friday. I'll spare you the details, but my boss created quite a scene when I pointed out, today, that the severance pay was not in compliance with our contract.
Now my hair is almost completely white and I'm only in my mid 40's. Ok, was already so, but today! 
Been awhile since I searched for a job.
So I'm here to poll you all:
Should I color my hair to seem younger when I search for a job?
Do I keep my current look- a cross between Neil Patrick Harris and that tall guy from the Drew Carry Show/Who's Line, with Steve Martin hair and a goatee? Or do I try that look with someone else's hair?
Since you guys know EVERYTHING, what would you do?
Leave it natural. Dye jobs are for the vain (and my ex wife).
6/5/17 2:06 p.m.
What kind of work do you do? In my line of work we pay exactly 0 attention to hair color/quantity (at least that's what I would like to think).
If you're an Abercrombie model you may need some color.
I thought this would be about dyeing a junkyard interior.
no on the hair coloring tho
I've finally convinced my co-worker to stop dying his salt-n-pepper hair. He looked just silly.
Don't do it. 
There are companies/careers who value the experience and knowledge of those who have been in their field for a long time, while other companies/careers look upon the older worker as a liability - too close to retirement, too old to learn new skills/methods, too high of salary requirements, etc. You should be looking for companies in the first group anyway, so leaving your hair natural would not be an issue, but if your chosen field happens to fall within the second group then that's the only reason I'd suggest dying it.
Don't do it. Good luck on your job hunt!
Work in software? Keep it real. Work in for a fashion/body care product? Color it. Also how much red is in your hair? I colored mine once. It went all ginger. I looked like an aging queen. 
Re the work in software - really depends on the companies you're applying at. There are some places that think you're over the hill at 25. Others prefer people with experience and don't mind the grey hair. I fortunately work for the latter.
BoxheadTim wrote:
Re the work in software - really depends on the companies you're applying at. There are some places that think you're over the hill at 25. Others prefer people with experience and don't mind the grey hair. I fortunately work for the latter.
If you're considered over the hill at 25 in software you don't want to be there anyway. Everyone here is 20 years older than I am. By the same token they've all had careers prior to working here, often in manufacturing, which makes them invaluable to our customer base. The ivory tower approach to ERP is a quick way to make your customers go bust or at least really piss them off.
I'd say no to dyeing your hair either way but I'm a sales guy who has his wife buzz his hair like he's still working for the DoD. So my advice is worth what I charged.
6/5/17 2:52 p.m.
dye another day - natural for now. There was some research I read a while back that people have less trust in those with facial hair - but that was before all the hipster beards.
If anyone can tell you colored it by looking - you will look like a fool.
If you are in sales where appearance really does make a difference... find a good salon. There is no shame in wearing a costume to make a buck. Clowns and cops do it every day. Otherwise, maintain your dignity. Rock that white mane.
yeah, that's how I feel. Won't let my wife color her hair, but that's because it's beautiful. Me, I got Anderson Cooper mixed with Butters from South Park goin on.
I'm (was) your local trusted independent insurance agent. Not sure what's next, I'm pretty awesome but grow weary of the great responsibility. Will try something involving small unmanned aircraft maybe. Not much color left at all in my hair. (AC + Butters)
Sorry but you guys are both the angels & devils on my shoulders, whispering in my ears. Grassroots Motorsports Forum without an "ass" like me would be Grroots Motorsports, also a cool title.
I'm a consultant. I charge extra for the grey in my beard.
oldtin wrote:
There was some research I read a while back that people have less trust in those with facial hair - but that was before all the hipster beards.
i think that mostly goes for the 'mustache only' crowd

6/5/17 3:00 p.m.
In reply to oldtin:
My current look is some kind of hipster/samurai/pirate hybrid, so I will refrain from offering any advice. It sounds like nobody would trust it anyway.
6/5/17 3:00 p.m.
I'd vote no on the coloring as well as a mid 40's guy with gray(ing) hair.
The Ginger Effect is something I did not think about, that is a mysterious force that I do not want to summon.
Depending on the state you are in, you can get one of the "exit bags" that has all the necessary drugs etc. I do think you need a doctor to sign off on in though.
Oh, wait.... DYEING!... never mind.
You can tell a block away when a guy colors his hair, THEN as you age somehow you have to gracefully introduce a touch of grey to ease into your age.
I don't work that hard on cars.
The0retical wrote:
BoxheadTim wrote:
Re the work in software - really depends on the companies you're applying at. There are some places that think you're over the hill at 25. Others prefer people with experience and don't mind the grey hair. I fortunately work for the latter.
If you're considered over the hill at 25 in software you don't want to be there anyway. Everyone here is 20 years older than I am. By the same token they've all had careers prior to working here, often in manufacturing, which makes them invaluable to our customer base. The ivory tower approach to ERP is a quick way to make your customers go bust or at least really piss them off.
No disagreement from me here. But it gets harder to find interesting work as the hair gets grayer...
6/5/17 3:11 p.m.
Pics or it didn't happen.
In reply to etifosi:
I'm not sure where you're located relative to one of our offices, but if you're interested in staying within the insurance industry check out our company & feel free to give them my name(though I can't say whether it'll actually do any good
6/5/17 3:19 p.m.
Unless you're going with a color that is in a completely different spectrum from "natural", the answer is always no to dyeing your hair.
Yeah don't do that. Keep it short and neat, that's my advice. Very rarely would I suggest to anyone that their hair looks better dyed, regardless of gender.