Since this place can solve any problems.....
I love hd radio. Have it in all my cars.
But i want it in the house.
I have an older (mid 90s) hi fi setup that sounds fantastic. And its paid for.
Fm reception really isn't all that great.
Is there a way to inexpensively add hd radio functionality to it? Some sort of rca plug tuner or something? Ive tried googling, but my Google fu is pretty weak on this one.
5/4/17 11:05 p.m.
Basically you want an HD radio tuner with line-level out that you can plug into a spare input on the pre-amp or receiver of your stereo. They seem to be available in the $100-300 range, although I have no idea which one to buy. I'd look used, it's all solid state, there's not much in them to go wrong.
One random example:
See, looking through the specs on that one, hd isn't listed. Ive not been able to fineld any tuners that do have it listed at a reasonable price.
Thanks already!
How about this one:
You might have better luck on eBay, it seems like not too many manufacturers are still pursuing this market. Note: I have no idea about standards on these things, I assume older ones will still work.