XLR99 (Forum Supporter) said:
I'm almost afraid to ask, but it's been on my mind all day. How are things going?
Thank you. It's been a good day so far. Lots of chores, some drum practice, and he drove solo tonight for the first time. Of course he's saying he's fine and no big deal but we're paying closer attention and just loving on him a little more.
Good to hear!
Don't discount the recommendations for pediatrician and counselor. My daughter started seeing one around the same age, and it definitely helped her with coping strategies, anxiety and the general angst of being a teenager. Plus having an impartial non-parent adult to talk to, because parents are clearly morons who know nothing about the world...
She's 20 now and still does zoom-based appts while she's away at school. There was abit of resistance at first, but after a session or two she warmed up to the idea.
It can take awhile to get scheduled and then find one that your son meshes well with.