6/9/19 5:14 p.m.
A few months ago I bought a vinyl for the side of the Crosstrek. I thought it was coming from the southwest somewhere, like NM or TX, with a name like
After a few weeks I check on the place is in the Ukraine. It took about 1.5 months to get the decal, but I really liked it. I went with a dark gray to make it a little more subtle than black.
Now I'd like to add something to the back door, maybe my TK number, but I'd prefer it matched. I can't seem to find this material for sale, and was hoping the hive could help. It's listed as:

#530 Dark Gray matte. " Material: high quality Avery/Oracal/Ritrama vinyl film (5 years for outdoor use). Waterproof. Removable. "
I've tried combinations of that on Amazon and Google, not having much luck. Anyone have better Google-fu than myself?

Those are different brands. Searching for “530 dark grey matte” comes up with Avery - but all the hits seem to be in Europe. That could just be the color name or it could be a shade not sold in the US.
Go visit a sign shop. They’ll have sample books. You can probably find a match.
6/9/19 9:40 p.m.
In reply to Steve_Jones :
The questions below say it isn't good for cars:
It says it's great for Windows but not vehicles. Does that mean it's good for car windows just not on metal?
Asked by Tech 8 months ago
Verified Reply - JerryTech, No that means it's better suited for commercial storefront windows. This is a monomeric economy calendared vinyl, so it's not the best choice for compound curves or long-term outdoor applications. For vehicle graphics, unless the surface is flat, an intermediate (polymeric) calendared or a cast vinyl is a better choice.
The thinner the vinyl, the better. Thinner lasts longer because there’s less of an edge for wind to grab. Millimeters make a difference. Thinner also stretches around corners better. The vinyl you have is considered intermediate, not premium because it’s over 3mm thick. It’s best for flat surfaces, which is where it is on your car, you’ll be fine.
6/10/19 11:45 a.m.
In reply to Steve_Jones :
Thanks. Forwarded the link to my friend w/ the cutter.