OK picking up another prowler to keep in storage well I love them and two very good deals have popped up.
Prowler #1 99 Red with Borla exhaust and 14K miles.

Prowler #2 01 Orange with 12.5K miles for another 1.5K in cost and another 500$ in shipping to California. No modifications other then the weird rear end cover.

The 2001 has the better toque convertor and slightly better interior and has the dreaded tire pressure sensor issues that the 99 does not. Orange is significantly more rare. Need to pick in the next couple hours.
What do you think would sell quicker? Which one would sell for more? Just in case you decide to sell it. I like both the colors, but I'd choose the orange, because I had a Matchbox Prowler that color.
2. Both look good so I would go with better convert and interior.
I have no idea why my font came out like that.
Appleseed wrote:
What do you think would sell quicker? Which one would sell for more? Just in case you decide to sell it. I like both the colors, but I'd choose the orange, because I had a Matchbox car that color.
Red will sell quicker this is going to go into storage and then pulled out for and put in the garage rotation in the summer so not really reselling it. Orange is rarer ~500 total made vs ~1K in the red. Both of them I could sell for what I am paying.
The Borla exhaust is no longer made and seriously rare. Interior is exactly the same between them other then the mirrors which has a compass and tracks MPG.
I like the orange color better... 
Orange because of metalflake
8/19/17 3:42 p.m.
Of the two colors I like the red one better. The orange color dates the car, red is timeless. :)
8/19/17 4:09 p.m.
Pick the rare color. Done.
8/19/17 4:10 p.m.
rustybugkiller wrote:
I have no idea why my font came out like that.
You put a # in front of the number.
Red it is, its local, the deal was better. Need to wait till Monday to finalize it up if they will honor the offer we had over the phone when the owner gets back in.
Thanks guyus.
Do it the same way I picked the color for my trailer. I asked the guy at the store what the most obnoxious color he had was, and he gave me some School Bus Yellow.
So, which one grabs your eyes by the ears and yanks really hard? That's the one to buy.
Nobody cares about black Barracudas, but a pink one was the first musclecar to sell for over a million dollars. How much will a Mystic Cobra be worth in twenty years?
(I was chased down by someone in a Mystic Cobra, the only one I ever saw in person, because he wanted to talk to me about my RX-7. It was surreal to say the least. I'm driving some rusty POS and a guy in my late-90s lustmobile is going gaga over it)
Just get both of them. 
I like the orange one if I had to pick one.
Red looks nice.
That thing gettin' a Hemi?
Two??? and you are flummoxed about a color when one already resides quietly in a remote location....your $$$, my inclination, all of them would look nice in the front room.....while sipping an exquisite Cab. 
8/19/17 10:03 p.m.
I like the red out of those two.
8/20/17 12:55 p.m.
I have seen several orange ones but never a red one.
Definitely orange - I love orange cars. BTW, what does the toque converter convert your toque to? Canadians want to know!
8/20/17 5:08 p.m.
I like the orange one better as well, but it's your call and you already made it, so red it is.
Turboeric wrote:
Definitely orange - I love orange cars. BTW, what does the toque converter convert your toque to? Canadians want to know!
My grandmother always wears a toque, I've never noticed it being orange though. I'd go red.
Orange, red is too Male Menopause. What's the weird rear end cover you spoke of?
Both feel through, one after inspection, seriously hit. One sold right out from under me at 4K more then we offered even though we were working the deal.I have a deposit on one in Thousand Oak's right now though that is going through inspection.
My transport guy cannot get out there till almost end of next month. ~150 miles away.
Trying to remember the term for hiring someone to drive, it is courier or something else. Is it even possible to higher someone to dive it down. Traffic alone would make it a 8 hour round trip so getting it down here and someone else drives would be nice.
The one I got was even cheaper but unfortunately silver. Cheap enough that I can have it wrapped though in something wild.