Went to my car today and found this.

Trouble is, while have comp on it, I'm not currently parking it where the ins company thinks I am. Where it really lives would definitely put the rate up.
Drive it home and report it? Keep insurance out of it entirely?
Find a marker light cheap somewhere. Keep insurance out of it. Continue to drive it until it dies.
I see a $20 ebay'ed part and an old but functional car that just looks a little older.
Sorry it happened but If you are going to continue in the rougher neighborhood, some of it will be expected.
I'm thinking I probably will just JY a marker light and leave the berkeleyed up fender. Then track the asshat down and deal with this personally. It just really pisses me off, it looks like the asshat put a berkeleying screw in my bumper and pulled it out too(see hole below corner light).
Kenny_McCormic wrote:
I'm thinking I probably will just JY a marker light and leave the berkeleyed up fender. It just really pisses me off, it looks like the asshat put a berkeleying screw in my bumper and pulled it out too(see hole below corner light).
Hey, he/she fixed it for ya
I find it closer to rubbing salt in the wound.
A little polishing on the bumper, some filler and a dab of paint/nail polish/sharpie..good as new. Maybe. Sort of. Better than it is now.
8/21/13 6:36 p.m.
Put a new marker light on and move on with your life.
8/21/13 8:32 p.m.
EvanB wrote:
Put a new marker light on and move on with your life.
This. A turn signal and a new bumper cover isn't worth the premium hike on a 15 year old car.
I wouldn't bother with insurance either, but I didn't think comp. claims drove up your insurance rates.
JY light and plastidip the car? 
In reply to Racer1ab:
The claim wont, the discovery of me parking in a certain bankrupt city you probably recently saw on the news will.
I thought this was covered with the "visiting a friend" excuse. 
You could always say you were just there to buy drugs or pick up a hooker. I'm sure the insurance company will buy that.
8/22/13 6:39 a.m.
Hit and run is Collision, not Comp. Collision deductible applies, but it's a not-at-fault claim so that by itself wouldn't damage your rates.
Rate dodging is heavily frowned upon. You're better off not reporting it and opening that can of worms. If they figure it out, they can back date your rate increase to the time they are able to prove you've been living there. 
We get this a lot in PA with people from Jersey and say they live in PA. We fry 'em every chance we get, too.
You could actualy not lie about where you live, then register to vote there and help change the place!
ddavidv wrote:
Hit and run is Collision, not Comp. Collision deductible applies, but it's a not-at-fault claim so that by itself wouldn't damage your rates.
Rate dodging is heavily frowned upon. You're better off not reporting it and opening that can of worms. If they figure it out, they can back date your rate increase to the time they are able to prove you've been living there.
We get this a lot in PA with people from Jersey and say they live in PA. We fry 'em every chance we get, too.
This x1000. I spent several years doing insurance fraud investigation. Rate evasion was one of the big things I focused on. Depending on your insurance company and policy, they could outright deny your claim and also drop you. It's also technically considered insurance fraud. Best bet is to do this on your own. Just as a word of caution, cause I'd hate to see this happen to a GRMer...if you ever cause an accident and do a lot of damage and/or really hurt someone, you could put yourself into a ton of hot water.
Found a nice scrape in my car one day after work, tracked down the perp and took photos to the cops. Didn't want to bother with an insurance claim but hoped he'd get a ticket. (guy parks like a happy shiny person on a regular basis)
They tracked him down but no ticket issued for legal reasons I can't understand. Buffed it out and touched up best I could and make sure there's a 2 car buffer whenever I have to park near by. My paint is still on his bumper...
So your saying if I dent my quarter panel, take it to a shop, pay the guy $350 cash to fix it I created insurance fraud because I didn't report it to my insurer?
If I had that damage, I wouldn't bother the insurance company unless my deductible was less than a junkyard headlight and bumper skin. This looks like a DIY fix would be cheap.
DIY for sure. Just a marker light and hit the rest with a buffer and move on
Type Q
8/22/13 10:26 a.m.
nicksta43 wrote:
So your saying if I dent my quarter panel, take it to a shop, pay the guy $350 cash to fix it I created insurance fraud because I didn't report it to my insurer?
The way I read it, living one place and telling your insurance company that you live at a different address to keep your rates lower is insurance fraud. In this case, I believe the recommendation to the OP is not to report the collision, but do tell the insurance company where you actually live very soon.