5/27/10 9:16 p.m.
Dunno if you guys have been following this... horrific case of abuse on a dairy farm in Ohio, with some of the incidents caught on video.
I couldn't watch more than a few seconds.

I only made it 45 seconds. Makes me ashamed to be an Ohioan.... 
I am with you there, lesley.. I could not get past they guy clamping the nose on the one... what. 10seconds into the video?
At what point does somebody who is cruel to animals make the logical leap that humans are only animals?
5/27/10 9:37 p.m.
I think there's much more to this case than just animal abuse, or brutal farming practices as some of the animal rights activists are claiming. This is sadistic. Torture of animals is an indicator in profiling serial killers and other sickos -- these individuals bear some serious scrutiny and should be punished appropriately.
5/27/10 9:37 p.m.
I actually started to cry watching that. 
5/27/10 9:42 p.m.
I won't watch that video. 
I hope something really terrible happens to the perpetrators, though. 
Well, I watched the whole thing. Looked like it was all done by one sick twisted guy. I would hazard a guess that the dairy owners were unaware of the abuse. The problem I have with these videos is the sponsoring groups. Condemning the entire industry or even the farm over the acts of one sick person is like parking all cars because of one crash. The only good that will come of this is having that guy behind bars. Hopefully with a nose ring installed in his nose so his roomy can keep him from squirming.
5/27/10 9:51 p.m.
What the HELL does any of that do? Stomping a calf? REALLY?
5/27/10 9:54 p.m.
Also, I'm almost ashamed of myself. I actually made it through that video.
I was assuming this was about a bad body kit or really tasteless graphics on some poor Honda. Wish it was, not gonna watch the video, no thanks. 
5/27/10 10:02 p.m.
Yeah, no foolin when they said it was graphic. Holy E36 M3, makes me sad that I like cheeseburgers.
Yeah. Thats a bit much right there.
Been around dairy farming my whole life and that is not typical.
5/27/10 10:34 p.m.
In reply to 93gsxturbo:
No way is that typical, even from a business standpoint. No farmer is going to treat expensive livestock like that. I've worked on, and been around many farms, mostly horses but some with cattle too. While it is a tough life there is absolutely no relation to that sick piece of footage. That's like using Hitler to define all germans.
i say as punishment do that to him.
no wait, i got it now. Send that guy to prison but put him in solitary, except instead put him in with a really big guy who has been in solitary for a while. If the guards feel like it, they can put make up on him first.
More reasons why it's gonna be different when I run the world.
Yup, we're on there with the rest of the primates:

I'd like to say that some of us may not have come down from the trees yet but I'm pretty sure monkeys don't treat others the way we do.
I didn't even watch the video. Can't. That e36 m3 pisses me off.
It takes a special kind of coward to abuse animals like that.
Trans_Maro wrote:
More reasons why it's gonna be different when I run the world.
Yup, we're on there with the rest of the primates:
I'd like to say that some of us may not have come down from the trees yet but I'm pretty sure monkeys don't treat others the way we do.
Believe it or not, a lot of them are worse. I watched something on one of the learning channels about a group of monkeys that were brutal in their treatment of lower "cast" members of their group. They were absolutely vicious in their treatment of outsiders. Up to and including rape and murder.
By the time this guy gets out of jail he will be a prime candidate to be a serial killer. Hopefully he will get a taste of his own behavior while in jail.
5/28/10 7:16 a.m.
What a major POS. I bet his mother is proud.
What the berkeley is wrong with people? This isn't the first vid like this either, these sick berkeleys just get their jollies abusing animals (beyond the usual not-great conditions for them at farms). Some of the older vids actually caught these guys raping the livestock. Yeah.
I don't wish this on a lot of people but I hope these sick berkeleys get a PMITA prison cell with the biggest, hairiest, most violent motherberkeleyer in the prison.
mndsm wrote:
Yeah, no foolin when they said it was graphic. Holy E36 M3, makes me sad that I like cheeseburgers.
I will never EVAR be sad that I am a meateater. There's a right way and a wrong way to do things in regards to raising animals for slaughter..... I don't think this is the right way.
Ditch + lye + this guy = no more problem.
I know a man with a cattle farm, and I can assure you they are NOT treated that way. i couldn't watch the whole thing...very sad someone can do that.