I have a friend who, after her impending nuptials, will be named Anneliese Vanderhayden. Not odd, but certainly complex. My wife goes by "Carrie." In high school we had a friend with the last name "Okie." I've always joked if she'd married him her name would have been Carrie Okie. She fails to see the humor in that...
I had a professor of textile chemistry who had a daughter named Polly Esther. No joke.
I also have 2 nieces named Sage and Teal because my sister's favorite color is green. My nephew is named...Deacon because is dad named him. She totally missed out on using Hunter.
I worked with a woman whose son was named Stetson. The father was a rodeo rider.
In grad school, a good friend had a student in a tutorial named Fanny So Fun, and yes, I saw the class list. I do know a Thor, and he's not scary at all. There's a famous entomology text by Wigglesworth, and a Psych text by Boring. I shared a house in university with a guy whose last name was Kuntz. His middle name was Harry, just like his dad. For some reason, he used his first name instead!
Was in a Dollar Store in the South once and I overheard a mother in the next aisle talking to her daughter: "Spatula, you put that down. We can't buy every darn thing in here!"
Not telling her to put down a spatula, telling Spatula to put down a toy. I kid you not.
My wife worked with the public in an area where there are some strange names. Her favorites were "Journey-My-Seven" (that's one first name), and "Tupacalypse."
I recently discovered someone with a last name of Vroomen, and now I'm disappointed I'm not a part of the family.
My wife named my son Mads and my daughter Eden (I got last name, she got first name).
Nobody has ever called my daughter by her legal name - she's been Pansy since day 1.
We're all a little weird.
I used to work for a guy named Randy Dicks.
I had a teacher in HS who named her daughter Wendy. Last name, Cliff. She did it on purpose.
Pete Gossett wrote:
I recently discovered someone with a last name of Vroomen, and now I'm disappointed I'm not a part of the family.
The guy that founded Cervelo bikes is named Gerard Vroomed. All of them used to have "Vroomen White Designs" on the frame somewhere. Always thought that was cool.
7/5/17 2:13 p.m.
Does it have to be people names? There is everyone's favorite mineral:
Named because it was found near Cummington MA.
I forgot all about the guy I went to school with named Stone Hammer. Oh and I once heard tale of a young girl named E36 M3head. (Pronounced Sheh-teed)
All of this makes my own name seem tame. It's Daylan, pronounced Day-lan because literally every I've met with a very few notable exceptions just assumes it's supposed to be Dylan. I stopped correcting substitute teachers by the time I got to the 8th grade. Of course the best part is when I told a sub we kept having in my senior year machine tool class how it was pronounced, the Dylan in the class got called Daylan the rest of the semester.
EDIT: I laughed unreasonably loud when I saw that the filter caught "Sheh-teed"
Perhaps worth a different thread. My dentist when I was much younger was a gentleman with the truly awesome name of "Forest Fightmaster"
Sounded to me like a Dungeons and Dragons character.
KyAllroad wrote:
Perhaps worth a different thread. My dentist when I was much younger was a gentleman with the truly awesome name of "Forest Fightmaster"
Related to the famous Max Fightmaster?
KyAllroad wrote:
My brother just wrote this. He thinks he's funny.
7 | Arthur Dent (redacted) and Ford Prefect (redacted). I don’t even care, I still want to do this.
Yes, he should do that. Someone should do that.
My friend was a preschool teacher for about 2 years (masters and everything), she had a Le-a during her term there. According to the childs mother "You pronounce the dash, its Ledasha".
I've never got to meet anyone with a "strange" name, I think I am that guy in this case, but I've seen some pretty bizarre spellings of common names, and it gets annoying when you get it wrong. Sorry, its not my fault you spell Jeremy as Jahramie. Or Ashely, Ashaly, Ashlee(weird, this is the only one doesn't have spell check under it), Ashlie, Ashleigh, Ashlay. Elizabet, Elyzabeth, Elisabeth. Mark spelled as Marq.
In that tone, and I was shot down on this name for my daughter, I wanted to have "jhtuv" = "Bob". Just random letters and a stupidly common name for whichever sex, or Phuk just to mess with the teachers. I'm still not sure how I feel about her being name Harleigh Quinn, but it might age well with the movies and all.
Hehe, my real name is in this thread. No, it's not Le-a. 
I know a Skip Cannon and a Fletcher Blade. Both excellent comic book names.
7/5/17 4:45 p.m.
This seems appropriate:
Even if the language isn't...
I used to work with a manager that was named Neil, which isn't so bad. Except his last name? Hiscock.
When he married, he took his wife's last name.
A co-worker of mine, who was the sweetest and funniest man I've ever known, never liked Mr. Hiscock (well he was always in a bad mood). My co-worker would always say he'd have day dreams of Mr. Hiscock falling off a ladder as he walked by just so he could say, "Hiscock fell off!"
I was briefly engaged to a young lady named, Melody. Her twin sister was named Harmony. Their middle names? Brooke and Skye. Yeah, their parents were hippy pot-heads.
My best-friend in High School was named Stephen, who teachers would sometimes pronounce Steven and sometimes would pronounce like my name.
I took high school drafting under Mr Durwood Hargis.
"Mr Hargis, what does Durwood mean?"
"Means Wooden Door. Now get to work."
My dad says that he dated a girl in college named Kandy Barr.
chandlerGTi wrote:
My dad says that he dated a girl in college named Kandy Barr.
Somewhere in Iowa? Might be my mother in law. Seriously!
I will never forget the day I met Phuc Boi. He preferred "Phil".
My middle school strings teacher, who played cello in the Knoxville symphony orchestra, was genuinely called Phyllis Stein.
As mentioned in the other thread, my mother's name is Vertain. She hates it and has gone by V for many years. I have no idea where her parents got that. The only thing I can turn up about it is it's the name of a place in France.
Just remembered another one. My high school wrestling coach was Mr. Wragg. His wife's name was Annita. Nicest wrestling mom ever but what a crappy name to be saddled with.