I saw this building for sale on Facebook and it's just about perfect for what I want to do.
I plan on running down to look at how it is put together maybe later today, but I figure somebody in the hive probably installs these or has taken one down before. What would I be getting into with this?
I would imagine that would be a day or three of time for a couple of guys with some good cordless impacts. Sheet metal marked for position, then unscrewed, then metal frame marked for position and unscrewed. It looks like its insulated and drywalled, so that would probably not be worth saving- Drywall is cheap anyway.
There could be a couple of substantial beams that would require extra people and scaffolding, or a small crane. None of it will be terribly heavy, but they could be clumsy to deal with and transport.
I would be more concerned about the screws that do not come out ,
bring a bunch of drill bits or something to grind the heads off ,
Weve done a couple of metal carports. Disassembly is onvious. Mark ALL pieces and orientation to other pieces. Make the marks large and redundant. Its amazing how many go missing.
Reassembley is interesting. It wont go back together exactly as it came apart. Holes mont like up, your ground will be in a differnt plane of level, etc. Not insurmountable. Buy new screws. Dont even bother trying to save the ond ones.
We have seen the crew that does the new carport install come out to relocate one. Think they chatged 500 to disassemble, transfer, and reassemble.
I can't see a used one being worth that kind of money.
3/25/20 4:04 p.m.
How about you pay me to remove that from your property...
what would that cost new today ?
in a box ?
or if they put it up for you ?
Thanks for the replies. It seems like the cost savings probably won't be worth it.
In the back of the building, at the ground, there is a whole lot of Great Stuff, expandable foam.
I predict this is only just one way this building has been "hacked" over the years.
Look really hard at it. The only times I tried it, it was a miserable fail. Some of them are worthy, others are super thin sheet steel stampings that get all of their strength from assembly. Both that I tried to move were nightmares and ended up being scrapped.
Versatube has brand new ones that size for $5000, but you would have to add a rollup door. That doesn't sound like a bargain compared to the one you linked, but honestly... I'd rather spend $5000 for a slam dunk than to spend $2300 on something that becomes scrap from a gust of wind on the way home.