First, few things are more expensive than being poor....just a slight improvement in your circumstances will profoundly improve your situation.
Second, it sounds like you didn't get dealt a very strong hand in life which actually gives you a much better prognosis than those that have berked up after being handed four aces.
Third, some change needs to be made to get you off of your current trajectory.
In 1984, at the age of 20, I broke through the 100K mark (309K in today's money) by making every penny I could, and saving every penny I could, and aggressively investing what was left.
Ten years later, after reconciling a failed marriage, I was worth exactly zero (what few assets I had left just covered the debts my X left me with).
The day she left, I built and began executing on what I called the "Rule of Three's" plan...
3K gets you a nice emergency fund.
30K gets you a nice car.
300K gets you a nice house (I know, I know, but it was 1994)
3M gets you a nice retirement portfolio.
I turned 60 last June...I went from completely broke to totally set in thirty years.
Looking back, my observation is that just a slight difference will have a profound effect over time.
Riddle me this...
Q: Why are divorces so expensive?
A: Because they're worth it.
You don't have to do anything profound or brilliant, just do something to tip the scales in your favor and time will do its magic my friend.