So, the Forte is on the list of craigs. I've been getting an increasing number of people texting me asking id I still have it (common, no big deal people are lazy and don't remove ads). Then their follow up is "details and price".
Now, I'm not hiding anything. PRice is listed. details on the car are there. Do these people just randomly text people before reading the ad? How lazy do you have to be? I'm more than happy to discuss the car, ask anything that I haven;t already told you. MAke me an offer, fine. But don't ask for the crap already in plain sight.
Is this just me getting cranky?
I just respond with "Did you even read the ad?"
The texts are probably from automated scam scripts.
the first couple were... the last one got mad because I asked if they routinely text people before they bother reading the ad. Told me I should expect to answer questions if I have stuff for sale. I agree... I'm more than happy to answer questions that aren't already answered by READING THE DAMN AD.
3/23/17 10:09 a.m.
Next time, send them details of a 78 camaro and price it like a 63 split window. Just to see if they're paying attention.
3/23/17 10:41 a.m.
Don't bother responding to those inquiries. Do you really want to go through a selling process with someone like that?
That's just the first step of a scam, especially if they refer to "the item" or use the description of the car right out of the ad.
I once told a scammer that my price on the car had gone from $900 to $10000 after I did a bit more research. He readily agreed, so I had him send the money order to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave in Washington.
First car I ever sold was listed online in 1999. I put the mileage and the price in the ad and not much else. I got one response. His first email asked what the mileage was, the second asked the price. 
trucke wrote:
Don't bother responding to those inquiries. Do you really want to go through a selling process with someone like that?
This is what I do. If i cant stand your stupidity via phone/text, i wont deal with it in person.
3/23/17 11:20 a.m.
That stuff is easy. Just ignore it. They're not interested in the car.
The hard part is as a buyer when you ask more details that were not in the ad, and they tell you to read the ad. An example would be "Needs to be towed as it needs some work before driving". I ask what it needs, the seller told me to read the ad. I re-read the ad, all it said was that the battery is dead.
I also just went on from there; the juice just isn't worth the squeeze.
I simply write:
"I'd be happy to answer any specific questions. The details are in the ad."
Scammers don't answer to that and not shutting the door has allowed me to sell to some people that were less tech-savvy than the average GRM member.
Sure beats all the "2000 CASH" or "wats your bottom dollr" texts I keep getting for SWMBO's car.
I guess I was asking for it by posting a red SN95 Mustang on craigslist. Thank god she doesn't have a Civic.
3/23/17 2:13 p.m.
I'm currently selling a $500 Honda Accord. It runs and drives. People are offering me $100 and $200. Madness. The scrap value is at least $200.
It isn't just Craigslist. Several sites on the book of faces is about to run me off. Do you have no better negotiating skills other than the offer 30% of the asking price for cash one hour after its posted?
A local guy put up a $450 almost brand new TV for $350. Almost immediately, he got "$200 cash".
I've found in the past that many buyers simply do not know what questions to ask.
New Reader
3/23/17 2:40 p.m.
I was selling a $750 grand Prix that had a top swap. The amount people that either opened up with a ridiculous offer, or asking questions clearly stated in the ad was unbelievable. Don't think i'll ever sell a cheap car on there again, as I've never had this issue when selling my more expensive cars/motorcycles.
In reply to NBraun:
It's not that cheap. It's listed for $6k.
Ludicrous questions get ludicrous answers, usually involving an ever increasing price, but not limited to hookers, conspiracy theories, and Elvis Presley.
All of this, is why I pay my daughter to sell my crap.
I deal poorly with stupid.
mtm said, "The juice isn't worth the squeeze." I'll be stealing that one. 
I really like the "60 cash" offers on a $100 item. Do you think that there's an option other than cash? I will not be accepting your personal check, IOU, or assurance from a relative that you're good for it....
3/23/17 7:51 p.m.
This is exactly why I put my Panasports on this forum and my450SEL is going in Hemmings. I can't take it. And it seems, at least in my area, that the scammers are far outnumbering the legitimate citizens.
In reply to Keith Tanner:
Should have made it 935 Penn. Ave. 
I always have a hard time selling anything. I always list it at the going rate and get no bites or just scammers. Sucks.