Salanis wrote:
benzbaron wrote:
The guy is a total turd show off. They put the camera on him and he showed what a dork he is. That is why I don't drive a hi-powered sports bike, see how easy it is to lose it. One flick of thed wrist is all it takes. Those fairings are really expensive too, try two per side at a few hundred bucks apiece.
Yeah, but can you do 200mph, which he does regularly?
Is a bike like that actually capable of 200mph? I'm sure the motor is capable, but it seems like, just aerodynamically, handling would get really dicey at some point.
Even if it can go 200mph... doing that without a shirt or visor? Any bug, pebble, anything... ouch.
There are a handful of production bikes that will come very close to 200mph. I believe the first generation hayabusa could do something extremely close to 200. Then all the bike manufacturers capped them at 186 to stop the speed wars. So a bike like that is capable of 200+, but it would need the limiter off, and probably a sprocket change. Maybe a few more mods as well. I seriously doubt he's ever gone 200mph. He's still a lame squid.
They'll do over 180mph at least with a Busa. It is like what 200HP on something that weighs what 500lbs? I talked to someone with a gsx1000 and he said he had to sell it because you can come up on traffic so fast you might not have time to react. The other nasty bikes are the ninja zx-14 and R1. Sports bikes aren't dangerous but I've heard either coming onto or off of the throttle too fast can spell trouble. I don't need to drive over 100mph so my bike suits me well.
12/5/08 4:37 p.m.
Bad Ass bike with extra HP stickers $10,000+
Ticket for speeding 15 MPH over the limit $200
Wrecking your bike pulling a squid maneuver leaving the courthouse..... PRICELESS
Wrecking your bike pulling a squid maneuver leaving the courthouse..... DEADLY!
SupraWes wrote:
I wish they had tracked down the "lions" for an interview, "umm, we were like laughing at this idiot trying to show off" "OMG I got pictures on my phone" "what a dork, like totally!"
Agreed. If any part of his story is true, I bet those pictures are on Facebook somewhere! 
12/6/08 1:32 a.m.
Appleseed wrote:
Wrecking your bike pulling a squid maneuver leaving the courthouse..... DEADLY!
Not this time, Darwin left him alone.