Hey guys,
I usually wouldn't ask this question of you guys, and I usually don't get caught up in things of this nature, but I was driven to the point of flat out anger today.
My sister who is 10 years younger than me calls me today to ask if I would be around this evening so she could talk to me. I said yes but only til around 6ish as I was playing volleyball. Well she comes over,but after I left,and hangs out with my wife and kids. I called her on my way to tell her I was not going to be around as my game time got changed, and we start talking.
The conversation is regarding my brother (the middle child of the family, and I am the oldest). Now mind you we are all adults, but my sister is the youngest at almost 27,and I just turned 37 last month (brother is 34). The story goes that after my family left my brothers house Sunday night for his sons 6th birthday party there was some fireworks from my brother towards my sister. Turns out my sister was showing the birthday boy (my nephew) on his new globe that she got him, where we live in MA, and also where Mickey Mouse lives in FL. In this conversation she shows him on the globe where the FL panhandle is. Immediately my brother starts yelling at her, and swearing at the top of his lungs that FL is not a panhandle state and that if she was to teach him things that they better be berkeleyin right. She is shaken up by this of course,and asks why the hostility. He proceeds to call her an idiot,and a special ed student in school, and basically dresses her down. Not a good scene especially in front of his son, and other kids. The profanity was flying from my brother only. Nobody comes to her defense in this and finally the 6 year old has to tell his father to stop treating auntie like that.
She leaves the situation crying from the verbal beat down, and heads home to mom and dads house. My parents see she is upset and crying, and ask her why. She tells them, and now my father is involved and call my brother. Needless to say that didn't go well, and now everyone is at each others throats except my branch of the family who knows nothing of this until now. My brother never calls my sister to apologize for his behavior even though my parents ask him to repeatedly.
Now to the part that has me steamed even more. While my sister is over my wife asks if she liked her gifts this x-mas and such,and asks if she saw the small gifts we gave my sister-in-law (brother from the previous part of the stories wife) for her birthday. Myself and S-I-L share a b-day so we usually exchange small gifts. Well this year we didn't get together like usual for b-day but we had x-mas at my house a couple of days after the b-day so that x-mas day is less crazy. My sister immediately tells my wife this following story.
Right after the x-mas party at my house my S-I-L had forgotten a few cake pans or bowls at my house, and my mother and sister elect to bring them by to her on their way home. As soon as they get there my S-I-L rolls her eyes and say "can you believe what they got me for my birthday?" A lousy x-mas tree ornament and a calender!! My sister then asks her if she is for real, and says that we didn't even have to buy her anything in the first place. My S-I-L then say well we spent $40 on his B-day/x-mas gift and this is all he gets me for my b-day. Just so you know we have all elected to just draw a name for x-mas and spend no more than $50 on that person. Now we didn't have her name, but she had mine for x-mas.
The gifts I got for her were from my heart as I know she likes ornaments,and I though a nice calender for her new home office that I wired up for her would be nice. Maybe I was wrong, but at least I tried, and didn't just buy a gift card like so many usually do for a tough to buy for person such as her self. Maybe they weren't what she likes, but on what planet is it okay to say something like she did about a gift from a family member ? The gift they got me as a combo gift is great, and I love that they thought of me but truth be told I don't need anyone to get me anything as b-days ceased meaning anything to me 20 years ago. Add to this the fact that they never even acknowledge my wife's birthday with a card, gift, or even a happy birthday wish ever. My wife doesn't care either, but it still hurts when things like this come to the forefront.
Am I out of line to be hurt by this? What should I do about it? Should I confront her about it or just let it stew like I do with lots of other things that happen in the family? Should I get involved with the previous story about the way my brother treated my sister? Or should I just pretend nothing happened,and live my life?
Sorry for the long post but I am steamed, and just got back from a call to work and it is 4am, and I doubt I will get any sleep anyway.