I do own a nice mahogany 10" decimal trig type slide rule, I've seriously thought about getting proficient with it and whipping it out mid exam in front of an appropriately aged prof.
I brought a slide rule to a third year physics exam in about 1995. The prof was delighted.
5/9/14 6:08 a.m.
AngryCorvair wrote:
In reply to wbjones:
or slide rules, either!
duh … that's what I meant 
If you like the SR-71, then you have to check out Project Habu. Seeing them without their paint is really awesome!

5/9/14 10:03 a.m.
Oh hey. I knew the airframes had to be able to stretch in flight from heat stress. Always kinda wondered how they managed that, what with titanium not being all that stretchy. Now I see how...Great googly moogly them fellers knew how to fabricate...