Type Q
10/7/17 6:12 p.m.
How would you describe the difference between sympathy and and empathy?
I have noticed recent conversations that a number people equate one with the other or think they are the same thing. I know how I disguise them in my own mind. I see them as having a fundemental difference. I curious how you all describe what each idea is and what distinguishes them?
Sympathy is feeling sorry for someone while empathy is the ability to see things from their perspective. At least that's the way I see it.
Empathy is sharing the feelings that someone else is experiencing. Sympathy is being able to appreciate those feelings. Very distinctive difference.
If you see a therapist because something bad happened to you that you're trying to get over. If you are working through something that causes you to break down and cry, you want your therapist to be sympathetic. You want them to care about your feelings, but to be detached enough to help guide you through them. You do not want your therapist to break down and cry and be incoherent with you.
Sympathy is what you say, empathy is what you feel.
10/8/17 7:43 a.m.
Beer Baron said:
Empathy is sharing the feelings that someone else is experiencing. Sympathy is being able to appreciate those feelings. Very distinctive difference.
If you see a therapist because something bad happened to you that you're trying to get over. If you are working through something that causes you to break down and cry, you want your therapist to be sympathetic. You want them to care about your feelings, but to be detached enough to help guide you through them. You do not want your therapist to break down and cry and be incoherent with you.
That's an excellent description (and you even managed to explain why the distinction matters).
Type Q
10/8/17 11:02 p.m.
I am glad I asked. I think I have been misusing the terms and confusing people. ( It would not be the first time