3/6/20 8:08 p.m.
Clearing an estate. We need to get a shed that is behind the house and is about 18'x10'x8'
Sandy Florida soil, we've already had one truck with a trailer get stuck trying to get back there to load it up. About an hour north of Tampa.
Any thoughts on what to use to get it out, or how to get a trailer back there?

plywood. Whenever we do a gig on soil, we use plywood when either manueving trucks near the stage. get enough pieces to keep all the wheels off of the grass and be prepared to move them around as you move the truck and trailer around.
3/6/20 8:12 p.m.
Is it sturdy enough to put on rollers and.winch out? If so get some round fence posts and some boards and roll it out to firm ground
I mean...... I'm a decent shed mover.
Lots of sheets of 3/4" plywood. Build a road. All the tree surgeons around here carry about 30 sheets on their trailers. Don't want to mess up folks yards running heavy equipment.
Call a tree surgeon. He'll show up with a front end loader and plywood.
Once the plywood is down you can roll it out on fence posts, pulling it with the loader. cheaper than you buying all the plywood... just saying
3/6/20 8:22 p.m.
I'll pass it on to Dad and see what he thinks. Thanks guys
Plywood works. I've seen people move 18th century stone houses with that. I have better luck with old tech. Jack it up and put a few logs under it. Roll it until one log comes out the back and move it to the front.
Since it is 8' wide, this might not work, but I have also moved sheds by borrowing a trailer axle. Jack up the back and roll the axle under it.
A carefully placed chain near the top of the shed could work. Pull on it to lean it up on one side. Back a trailer under it and let it down on the edge of the trailer. Then go to the other side and use the chain to pull it up on the trailer.
Access to a winch? Tilt trailer or rollback and a winch will do it.
You don't need 30 sheets of plywood just a couple more than the shed (err truck pulling the shed?) is long. Pull it forward until it's almost off the first sheet then go grab the last couple and put them at the front. Repeat until you're out of the yard.
Curtis, Logs don't roll well on central florida beach sand. Sink city. But, if you jack it up high enough to put something like 2x8 runners down, and then the logs... it may work. Florida Man, what can i say? 
3/6/20 8:40 p.m.
Couple gallons of gasoline and a match? Or are you trying to save the shed?
But yeah, plywood. We launch boats with vehicles over sandy beaches doing this
Another vote for plywood temporary driveway on FL sand. I have an enclosed 24' with a 3500 lb car in it I have to occasionally put in backyard with a 6500 lb F-350 and pull back out. I have 1/2" plywood cut in 2' X 8' strips. Takes a little time moving the rig 8' at a time and moving the plywood but works just fine.
3/6/20 9:04 p.m.
Hire a real shed moving company with a Mule.
I can almost guarantee it was driven in there with one, and no plywood, rollers, or winches.
3/6/20 9:04 p.m.
In reply to mtn :
Yeah, definitely trying to save the shed.
3/6/20 9:10 p.m.
Here's my 12x 28 being unloaded entirely by 1 guy.

3/6/20 9:12 p.m.
BTW... That's very sandy soil.
Whats your plans for the shed? Is is usable? I ask because our Boy Scout troop just lost the space at the church we use to store our gear and we have been thinking about getting a shed. If you need it removed I think we have the means to move it. Our scoutmaster works for a large crane company so he is used to moving heavy stuff on sandy soil.
3/7/20 11:01 a.m.
SVreX said:
Here's my 12x 28 being unloaded entirely by 1 guy.

This is exactly right. We sold our shed on Craigslist and they came to pick it up with one of these setups. Dang impressive to watch them move it out.
Robbie said:
SVreX said:
Here's my 12x 28 being unloaded entirely by 1 guy.

This is exactly right. We sold our shed on Craigslist and they came to pick it up with one of these setups. Dang impressive to watch them move it out.
I used to do this E36 M3 for a living. I agree. hire somebody with a mule. Should be a couple hundred bucks, and worth every penny.
3/7/20 1:35 p.m.
In reply to wheelsmithy :
What sort of load capacity do they have? This thing on itself is a decent load, and the tools and other stuff in it just jack it up
The shed would have to be empty. The Mules are hydraulic motor powered, which in turn is powered by a 3.5 horse Honda (that's what "my" Mule was powered by. The one in the picture is physically larger.
Try finding a shed mover and ask what they want. Probably empty shed.
The sheds themselves aren't too heavy, but I've seen thousands of pounds of stuff in them (cars, Harleys, tools, cats).
3/7/20 5:53 p.m.
This shed is actually an old US Navy Communications Shed. Its fairly heavy duty, but I haven't been able to find any concrete numbers on weight, or even when it might have been in service. The parts and pieces inside probably total a ton on their own
3/8/20 6:27 a.m.
In reply to Mr_Asa :
A mule can move it, and you'll be shocked how easy it is.
But the shed has to be empty.