3/30/14 10:53 p.m.
Bumping this thread.
At the ripe old age of 24, I am teetering between pre-hypertension and hypertension. Here is the thing--I feel great. I played 18 holes yesterday, I reffed 3 hockey games tonight, and I play hockey twice a week. I typically walk at least 1/2 mile a day as well, if not more. If it weren't for my knee's, I'd have no problem running 5 miles right now.
Anyways, on Friday, a woman on my team at work and I were getting water and saw the blood pressure machine and decided to both get ours tested. I was at 145/85. An hour later, it had dropped to 136/84. Tonight at 9PM, an hour after reffing 3 hockey games, I tested it again at the Meijer and it was 140/84.
This ain't good. Thankfully, I think it is pretty easy to identify the culprits here: Job and diet. I eat really good for about 1/4 of my meals, and really, really bad for the other 3/4. I also probably eat too much for those 3/4. The job isn't going to change, unfortunately. The diet, can. So I need to start eating right. This will be easier in a month when I move in with the Fiancee, a Dietitian. I should also probably ease up on the alcohol (usually about 1 bottle of wine and 12 or so beers a week), but I'll see if eating right and working out more help it first.
So now that I have it written down, I have to actually do something about it. Yay.
I have always had low normal blood pressure. like 105/50... this past year when black mold took over my rental, it shot up to 195/90. It is back down again, not back to my normal yet. but getting there. 135/70. Once I finally kick the pneumonia I got with the flu and can get back on my bicycle, I should see it drop more.
I am 5'11" and 179 pounds.. I want to get below 170
3/31/14 10:43 a.m.
mad_machine wrote:
I have always had low normal blood pressure. like 105/50... this past year when black mold took over my rental, it shot up to 195/90. It is back down again, not back to my normal yet. but getting there. 135/70. Once I finally kick the pneumonia I got with the flu and can get back on my bicycle, I should see it drop more.
I am 5'11" and 179 pounds.. I want to get below 170
I'm 5'10", 205. Most people are shocked that I weigh that much and would guess about 180. I should be about 170-185, depending on muscle ratio--that is obviously a concern, but I addressed it when I addressed my diet earlier--if I eat right, I'll drop a bunch of weight.
3/31/14 8:20 p.m.
Change your diet, and make sure you stay on top of it and follow up with your doctor if needed. Things can go wrong quickly if it is left untreated.
3/31/14 9:05 p.m.
Since that post, I have had 5 reeses M&M things, a wrap with lettuce, tomato, swiss, turkey, and ham, and a salad with bacon bits, cheese, spinach, egg, carrots, cucumber, and onion. And Sesame dressing. Oh, and too much alcohol. Hmm... Maybe I should cut back on the sauce...
So while not great, certainly about 500% healthier than I normally eat. We'll see what it is tomorrow night.