12/29/15 1:06 p.m.
Had the same problem with mine. Wound up replacing the entire control board thanks to Amazon. It cost less than a service visit without parts...
Also, unlike you, I didn't notice my furnace was out for about four months (took until mid-December) because my neighbors were heating my condo for free. 
Today I stood a gas inspection on a gas fired generator. Home owner bought the generator, pad, and electrical switching gear on line and had it delivered to his door. He hired me to do the gas work and an electrician to do the wiring. Saved over 3K from what he was quoted by the generator sales/ install company. Even then, he had to pay an independent generator service guy $345 to come out and put in a secret activation code and fire it off for the first time. He was there less than an hour and made more than I did in the 4-5 hours it took me to pull a permit and run 50 feet of gas pipe thru 2 walls and across a basement ceiling.
Got the part and it's correct in all respects. Air Cold even sold it to me for the wholesale price plus tax so I saved about 50 bucks.
Yes, it does get into the high 30s (F) in LA. Yes, I know the rest of you are laughing but I was born in CT and lived in New England for 33 years. I've climbed Mt Washington in the winter and ran 7 miles every day I was in Baraboo, WI when it was -24F (-31C). In the Great White North, all your houses are well-insulated and the windows are sealed tightly. I've whacked away at insulation but we still have two jalousie windows in the bathrooms and the rest of the '50s-era single glazed casement windows (we have a whole wall of 'em) leak like sieves. The walls have yet to be insulated as well. So it can get a mite chilly in the house.
Okay, I should have heat in an hour or so.
Jerry From LA wrote:
pinchvalve wrote:
Just go to Grainger and buy one. I have always just walked in and bought stuff. If they ask, say that you are self employed and do odd jobs for senior citizens or something.
Also, a $10 box fan stuffed into the bottom of the furnace will be better than nothing. It will get some air moving.
It's not the air handler motor. It's the draft inducer motor. It has two functions. First is pulling air through the heater to make it burn hotter. Second is to blow products of combustion out the flue. The assembly is a precision fit in a scroll housing so there's no leakage. I don't want my wife and I to die in our sleep from excessive CO contamination.
I think we have all learned a valuable lesson here, don't take advice from pinchvalve. 
We have liftoff! Took some time to re-rig the exhaust ducting so it doesn't rattle (or LEAK). It's nice, quiet and warm. The Force is back in balance.
Thank you for all the suggestions and the laughs too. My wife's 80-year-old aunt and uncle will not turn into Popsicles. They'll be here in half an hour.
Next time I'll know to hit Amazon Prime with my stepdaughter's account for all my HVAC needs before we go critical. Or something like that.
Jerry From LA wrote:
Next time I'll know to hit Amazon Prime with my stepdaughter's account for all my HVAC needs
Great to hear you are up and running. I use Amazon Prime for my car parts now.
Row row row your canoe...
Wow. First time one of my threads zombie'd. I feel so special. If y'all will allow me, I'd like the honor of sinking this one.
Canoe deletion confirmed. Nice shot Jerry.