Paula and I are very, very proud of both our sons, Cameron and Calvin. We have had the great pleasure to see them grow up to be gentlemen.
Last night (5/6), Calvin graduated with a Bachelors in Electrical Engineering from Penn State. Tomorrow night (5/8), Cameron graduates with his Master in Mechanical Engineering from Penn State. And on Monday (5/9), they both start their full time jobs at a Fortune 100 Company. They worked hard for their opportunities, both in school, grunt jobs and at a series of internships. They have worked hard at home, they do the right things when we are not around. We are just so proud of the both.
Thanks for letting me share.
Very proud of your collective accomplishments!
I'm sure it was hard work all the way through.
Congratulations on the rewards.
There's no better feeling in the world than when a stranger walks up and says "You've done a good job with that boy".
Good job Andy, it's not always easy.
I've heard the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree.Sounds like you and Mrs 777 gave them good compasses to navigate with. Well done family.
What awesome timing! They must be closel!
5/7/16 6:23 a.m.
Congrats! You and your wife should be proud.
5/7/16 6:32 a.m.
The only thing better than watching 2 fine boys develop is watching their proud poppa brag on them!
Congrats, Andrew!
Having met You, Your wife and your boys I have to say that your children are products of their upbringing. You've done a great job leading and mentoring them, I'm sure they are as proud of you and Your wife as you are of them. Congratulations!
Well done sir! It's been a long road to get them this far and it sounds like you have every right to be proud parents. 
Man, time flies. Congratulations, Andrew!
Congrats on a job well done.
Good Job to the whole PACC crew. That's impressive.
5/7/16 9:02 a.m.
Congratulations gentlemen! It's a pleasure to know your family.
5/7/16 12:16 p.m.
As a father of young boys, I hope to do as well at raising mine as you have. Congratulations!
That is terrific! Congratulations to the whole family!
Congratulations - their success is a reflection of the skills you and your wife have taught them along the way!
5/7/16 9:20 p.m.
I think the 'do the right things when we're not around' is key.
My wife was all proud today; she went to the garden center my son works at (16 y/o, first job) and the owner raved about what a non-complaining hard worker he is, and what great customer service skills he has.
Well done Andrew and Paula! That is a lot to be proud of!
Congratulations! The example you, your spouse, and your sons have set is inspiration for all, especially those of us that have younger children now.
Good job. Take a well deserved bow.
Type Q
5/9/16 10:25 a.m.
Congratulations. You should be proud.