7/11/10 6:02 p.m.
About 2 years ago someone posted a toolbox in a thread here that has haunted my garage dreams every since.
My current tool storage situation can be described as "overloaded" at best

So for 2 years now, every birthday, holiday, whatever I told people to get me Lowes gift cards. Well my wife held a surprise 40th for me yesterday (at NJMP none the less) and made sure everyone brought Lowes cards.
Today I went and finally got the monkey off my back and into my garage.

Yes, it has a fridge, am/fm/cd/iPod. Its overkill, its silly and I cant wait to fill it up.
So whoever posted this box up here 2 years ago...thanks for the obsession.
congrats and happy 40th!! I've seen that in person and I'm a bit jealous
7/11/10 6:18 p.m.
40 is the new 30!
Worry not: that box will be overloaded before you can turn around say don't..
New Reader
7/11/10 6:53 p.m.
Coworker of mine has the exact same box, and I was astounded when he told me the price. Its a helluva box for not much moola. Enjoy!
7/11/10 7:02 p.m.
mith612 wrote:
Coworker of mine has the exact same box, and I was astounded when he told me the price. Its a helluva box for not much moola. Enjoy!
Yeah, really as nice as the gadgets are I was really just impressed with how much space I could get for the money compared to something similar without the gadgetry
This guys jealous. I drool over that thing every time I go to Lowes.
7/11/10 7:59 p.m.
Happy 40th!
Looks like it even has a spigot for Kool-Aid.
7/11/10 8:13 p.m.
Marty! wrote:
This guys jealous. I drool over that thing every time I go to Lowes.
I've gone to visit it at least once a week for the last 2 years waiting for this day so I know what you mean.
Very nice, I'm likely to go over to Kobalt when I have need of, and money for, new tools
I've been dreaming about buying a big tool stand for my house. Haven't told the wife yet.
That reminds me, I need a big work table, something I can ripapart a transaxle on...
You never really "blame" GRM..when you're finally alone, you thank them for enabling you. 
7/12/10 6:46 a.m.
neon4891 wrote:
That reminds me, I need a big work table, something I can ripapart a transaxle on...
Keep an eye on govdeals.com Last year I was able to buy 3 large work/storage benches from the local HS wood shop. Solid steel, 6ftx3ft, 4ftx3ft and a 7ft tall cabinet for $25 for all.
neon4891 wrote:
That reminds me, I need a big work table, something I can ripapart a transaxle on...
another option is to find a demolition company store and use an old solid door. I have a 46"? x 8' door for one of my work surfaces.
2" thick with nice smooth surface. only one hole (door knob)
7/12/10 7:06 a.m.
I walk by that exact box at least 4 times per week at Lowes.
First time I saw it, I was addicted. But the $650 price tag was more than I could pony up right then.
Yep, that's right. $650. It sat mis-marked for over a week, and I was too stupid to buy it. When the real price tag of $1898 was put on it, I realized what a bonehead I was.
That is a freakin' cool box!
Ian F
7/12/10 8:11 a.m.
Damn... neat box... I also drool over it every time I'm in Lowes.
mis-marked at $650???? dude... 
I've got a buddy with that box, and it IS pretty damn cool.
I'll probably get something similar, but without the radio and/or fridge. I'm planning a huge loud garage stereo for my situation.
New Reader
7/12/10 8:52 a.m.
Happy Birthday and congrats on the big new toy box. I only have one box and it is small enough that my girlfriend can carry it around; so yeah, I might be just a little bit jealous...
7/12/10 10:14 a.m.
neon4891 wrote:
That reminds me, I need a big work table, something I can ripapart a transaxle on...
Also see if you have one of the Habitat Resote places close. I picked up a sold wood door like are in school hallways and such for $25.
7/12/10 12:26 p.m.
FIL did that exact thing, and attached it to an old hospital gurney meant for fat dudes (like 50's style, solid steel like a MOFO). Rolling workbench that will outlast the Zombie Apocalypse, and in his hands, would probably make a decent ZAV.
7/12/10 12:58 p.m.
In the glory of that awesome toolbox, let us all not forget 2 lessons we can all learn.
1 - his wife obviously rocks.
2 - He stayed focused enough for 2 years to actually get it.
I would have changed plans 17 times. Congrats
Still need shots in the mini fridge and of the stereo JimBob.
7/12/10 1:27 p.m.
I say that Babe Rally VW rolling Tiki bar was a FAR more awesome beer cooler than this toolbox will EVER be.
But it's not a bad 2nd best. 
I drool over that one too, especially when I found out it has a fridge! Congrats dude!