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aw614 HalfDork
6/8/24 7:21 p.m.
David S. Wallens said:

Picked up some of this yesterday, too: Flic Film Aurora 800.

Meeting a friend to make some photos tomorrow. Bringing both film and digital cameras: two of each so everything is comfortable in my backpack. 

I bought two rolls, was going to use this on my trip to NY that isn't happening this year due to outside circumstances out of my control. Rumor has it supposedly it was respooled Portra 800 and not just respooled 500t without the remjet something and Kodak isn't happy about it due to how much cheaper it is.

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
6/10/24 7:29 p.m.

In reply to aw614 :

Our local lab has a video on this film:


David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
6/10/24 7:32 p.m.

Saturday I worked with someone for the first time. We ran into each other on IG and felt that our styles would mesh.

Do you shoot film? she asked at one point.

Yeah, I said.

Upon meeting this weekend, she handed over a few film cameras.

I’ll share photos in a few. 

Chris Tropea
Chris Tropea Associate Editor
6/14/24 3:11 p.m.

Finally broke out the film camera, excited to see what I can capture. 

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
6/14/24 3:18 p.m.

In reply to Chris Tropea :


David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
6/14/24 3:22 p.m.

And some pics of those new cameras.

Canon T70.

Kinda wanted one of these as I believe it’s the successor to my A-1. Plus it came out in 1984, same years as my 911, so I see a cool project coming up. Lens mount is loose, though. A friend works for Snap-on and said to bring it over. Plus now I have another Canon 50.

Plus a Sears-branded zoom lens that has a dent in the end of the barrel. 

And a Pentax SF1. Wikipedia says it’s the world’s first autofocus 35mm SLR with build-in TTL flash. Might rehome this one as I’d like to stick to Canon for SRL stuff. 

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
6/14/24 3:22 p.m.

Add to above: a bag, a few flashes, associated accessories and five rolls of Fuji film that expired in 2008.

02Pilot PowerDork
6/14/24 3:33 p.m.

In reply to David S. Wallens :

My first 35mm SLR was a Japanese-market Pentax SFX my father brought home for me from one of his business trips, along with some accessories and, weirdly, a fisheye lens. I ran a lot of film through that camera, mostly relying on the auto settings because I was dumb and lazy and didn't know what I was doing. It still did OK, though revisiting it more recently, it's a slow beast to use once you've experienced more modern gear.

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
6/15/24 8:57 a.m.

Yeah, I figured it would be way slow by today’s standards. Still, an interesting camera to receive. This one has a chip in it. Not even sure if it’s operational. 

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
6/19/24 2:30 p.m.

And some recents: Miatas on film. This is Fuji 400 shot with my F-1. 

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
6/19/24 3:55 p.m.

And dropped off some more film today. My Elan IIE, for some reason, didn’t want to automatically rewind so I removed the film in a closet. The film seemed to properly advance but didn’t want to rewind. This didn’t happen the first time I used it. 

So now to ponder what’s up while I wait for the film. 

Mezzanine SuperDork
6/19/24 7:25 p.m.
David S. Wallens said:

Today a good friend also recommended a Hasselblad if making the leap. We’ll see. Perhaps one day. 

I read this post a few weeks ago and I keep thinking about it...So I felt compelled to respond. A lifetime ago I shot professionally and used Hasselblads all the time. They're brilliant studio cameras but I'd really have to discourage you from getting one if you're planning to do casual or street photography. The ergonomics suck and only some came with a light meter. 

If you've got a bug for one, borrow/rent first. There's a bunch of other medium format cameras that are far superior for taking pictures off hand or anywhere not in the studio. Mamiya 645 pro, Pentax 6x7, Contax 645, etc. 


David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
6/19/24 8:45 p.m.

In reply to Mezzanine :

Appreciate the input and, at this point, just looking to experience something new as I don’t think I have ever shot medium format. Would I love it? Hate? Only one way to find out, right? 

Good point about renting one. I should investigate. 

And the Hasselblad got me thinking: What if, just what if, I put that money towards a Leica instead? :) 

Mezzanine SuperDork
6/20/24 6:34 p.m.

Do you have any classic rangefinders currently? I have a Voigtlander Bessa R3a that uses the Leica M mount and costs waaaaay less than a Leica without giving up anything in quality. My Contax G1 is probably my favorite camera though. It's intuitive, small, and so nice to hold. Plus Zeiss glass. Anyway, my point is if you're looking to try something different, a rangefinder is a whole vibe, as my daughter would say. It's a nice change of pace because it really encourages distance scale focusing and shooting from the hip (literally) more than an SLR that tells you everything in the viewfinder.  


Medium format is certainly something to try. Waist level viewfinders are not for everyone or every situation, which is part of the reason I suggest the medium format trio above. There's a lot to them since the main home of a medium format camera was the studio. Most platforms required different backs for 120 vs 220 film. Many of them don't have traditional SLR viewfinders or light meters or film advance. Most of those 500c Hasselblad shutters only go up to 500 and since you're in FL that's worth knowing. All this sounds like I'm trying to talk you out of it, and I do not want that. Just more of a heads up if you haven't explored these things yet. Mamiyas are probably the most accessible cost-wise and can be had in 645 and 6x7. Contax 645 is really close to a modern film SLR, but the prices seem to have quadrupled in the last few years. Bronica wasn't as common around here but they made some fantastic cameras. TLRs are old enough to be interesting while still being capable of good images. I see you were considering some earlier in the thread. Guessing you'd need to pack a separate meter with most of those. 


With my daughter getting into film, I've been shooting again myself. As soon as I decide on a lab I'll get some images to share. 

aw614 HalfDork
6/20/24 7:40 p.m.
David S. Wallens said:

And dropped off some more film today. My Elan IIE, for some reason, didn’t want to automatically rewind so I removed the film in a closet. The film seemed to properly advance but didn’t want to rewind. This didn’t happen the first time I used it. 

So now to ponder what’s up while I wait for the film. 

Does your Elan IIE have any film rewind settings you may have changed? Like is there a setting that won't rewind the film until you manually press the rewind button? 

Also I ended up buying a dark room bag, I had issues trying to get film out of disposable cameras in my bathroom still somehow getting exposed to light. 

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
6/24/24 3:13 p.m.

When I used the camera a few weeks ago, it rewinded normally. Operator error? Not sure but will run another roll through it. I really like that camera.

En route back from Denver. Shot some film while out here. 

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
7/8/24 11:34 a.m.

Just received some film shot while in Colorado for Pikes Peak. This was all taken on Reformed Day Shots 400.

So, I might have accidentally let the film go through the X-ray machine on the way out. The images look a little grainier than usual while I have a few light leaks. 

aw614 HalfDork
7/8/24 12:27 p.m.

Which camera did you take to Pikes Peak? The light leak does look like a light seal issue Im guessing? I know most say to handcheck film through airports, but I've been letting them go through the traditional x-ray machines without major issues. Though last week I nearly shat myself as the Spartanburg/Greenville airport was full CT scanners, luckily, the Precheck line was still a traditional x-ray machine. I opted for a handcheck since I had Flic Film Auora 800 on me

I finally tried out some 1981 expiration Kodak panatomic x this past weeked along with finishing up a roll of  expired 12exp Fuji 100 that I shot on half frame. Hoping at least the 40 year old black and white film gets something decent and its not too fogged up.  But it was originall an ISO 32 black and white film, but metered at around ISO 12.  


the_machina Reader
7/8/24 1:50 p.m.

Wife's grandmother was cleaning out the house getting ready to move, and asked if I wanted some of grandpaw's old cameras, since I'm as close to a photog as it gets in the family.

Was thinking that maybe I'd be able to shoot them along side my dad's old Canon Tlb 35mm.

Turns out it's a Rolleiflex and a wooden Crown (Graflex) 4x5 view camera. No idea on the lenses, etc yet, but will have to shoot at least a roll through the Rollei and a pack of sheets through the crown just to get the experience.

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
7/8/24 2:11 p.m.

In reply to aw614 :

These were taken with my Canon F-1. It’s never done that before but maybe it’s a light leak? There’s still a roll of film from Colorado inside that camera. After finishing it, I’m going to shoot something fresh and see what happens. 

FWIW, Daytona has the new CT scanners.

02Pilot PowerDork
7/8/24 2:39 p.m.

In reply to the_machina :

The Rolleiflex will probably want servicing. even though it may run OK. At a minimum, if you decide to keep it, consider getting a new mirror and focusing screen so you can actually see what you're trying to focus on. They can shoot some really nice photos - I shot this with mine (Model 621 Old Standard from 1933):

procainestart SuperDork
7/8/24 5:15 p.m.

In reply to 02Pilot :

Tangentially, got a recommendation for repairing a Rollei 35 LED? 

And if so, would that shop happen to also service a Minox 35 EL (CLA only)?

Yes, I own some little cameras. 😁

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
7/8/24 5:52 p.m.

I only have what looks like light leaks at the end of both rolls. Something from the CT X-ray scanner, bad canisters, camera issue or other? 

aw614 HalfDork
7/9/24 8:54 a.m.

In reply to David S. Wallens :

How do the light seal chambers look? Found this picture of an AE1, but most SLRs seem to be similar. The first image looks kind of under exposed, was it a fresh roll of film? I've never had CT scanner damage to know what it looks like. 


David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
7/9/24 9:26 a.m.

Thanks and I’ll check the seals, although odd that it only happened with these two rolls and only the last frames on the roll. 

The film is respooled movie film: Reformed Day Shots

I’ve heard that some films are susceptible to light leaks via the leader. Not sure if that’s the case here. 

Will report back on this as I’m wondering what’s up as well. 

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