11/26/24 4:48 p.m.
It's been a heck of a summer, three hospitalizations in as many months, covid (wasn't bad at all) pneumonia, gallbladder removal, two collapsed lungs. I think that's it.
Except it isn't.
When they were looking inside my chest when my lungs were collapsed (MRI) they found "a mass" that turns out to be cancer. I go in for surgery to have it removed next Thursday. For some reason I'm not too worried, but Mrs. Boost is.
I guess that is all for now.
I'm not the praying type, but I'll certainly keep you in my thoughts.
Fingers crossed it's nothing too serious.
Hoping for good pathology results. 🤞🤞🤞
Reach out if you have any questions about what to expect with regards to going through treatment or questions with regards to various potential treatment options given.
11/26/24 5:00 p.m.
Fingers crossed for a quick and painless recovery.
Sending good thoughts your way.
Good luck, hoping for a fast and full recovery.
Im confident that you'll get through surgery fine, everything depends on the pathology report.
11/26/24 5:23 p.m.
Sounds like they found it early due to chance. Hopefully that'll lessen long term issues and they'll get it all.
Stampie said:
Sounds like they found it early due to chance. Hopefully that'll lessen long term issues and they'll get it all.
Good point, chance has been on your side so far.
I'm rooting for you, and your doctors. Best wishes for a complete and speedy recovery.
Best of luck and medical science!
Love ya brother. Wishing you well.
There are few things in life better/more tragic than finding cancer early.
Best of luck.
11/26/24 7:57 p.m.
That's a lot to process for sure. Put me in the "found it early " is a glass half full moment column. Good luck getting through the next few weeks and beyond, we'll be here for you.
Wishing you successful surgery and a quick recovery.
From the department of "laughter is the best medicine," I was on a call today with a project manager who has a thick Scottish(?) accent. He repeatedly asked for the "counts" but with his accent we all heard something else. It was my first thought reading your thread title.
You've got this.
At least they found it now, vs when it metastasized.
I have to go in for surgery once I lose a little weight. I told my dad, who has had more surgeries than you can count on your hands (yes both).
I told him I was nervous about anesthesia, he said, "Don't worry about it. You're going to wake up, and if you don't, you won't know."
11/27/24 10:13 a.m.
Thanks all. It felt good to get that out into space. I guess I'm starting to get a little nervous, not about the surgery, but about what may or may not come after.
But yeah, it seems to have been discovered early, and that's a good thing.
11/27/24 10:24 a.m.
In reply to DrBoost :
Thoughts and prayers headed your way.
Here's hoping that early detection is a solid silver lining on all the crap you've been dealing with, and helps you put this run of "high medical engagement" in the rear view soon!
Like your attitude. Worry about the parts you can control, and leave the rest to your doctors. I'm pulling for you !!
Edit: When I went through my health issues a couple of years ago, on days when I was at low ebb I made a point of looking around at the other patients. It wasn't hard to find some poor individual who I wouldn't want to trade places with. It made me focus on the pluses.
Keep up the good fight. Sounds like the issues that caused them to find it were a blessing in disguise.
Thoughts and prayers are in bound to you.
Catching it early is good. I wish you the best, my friend.