Problem was, I didn't have a 1911. 

Picked this up from a semi-recently, retired, gun store owner I used to do business with, he doesn't have a store front anymore, but still occasionally advertises stuff on social media. This caught my eye, the price was very reasonable, I sent the link to SWMBO, pointing out what a good deal it was (tomorrow is my birthday) SWMBO responded, "Happy birthday?" 
Hard to say no to a lightly used Ruger SR1911 Commander for the same price as a higher end new ATI or Rock Island.
It's not the vintage Colt, Singer, or Remington Rand I lust for, but it should suit me just fine.
That's a problem I haven't had in 10 years.
The GI 1911s should be coming to market soon. So join CMP and enter the lottery to get a buying position if you're interested.
I have a government size SR1911. Its a nice mid-range 1911 and shoots wonderfully. Sure its no Dan Wesson but I have had zero issues with it.
I put Hogue grips on it and can shoot it all day.

In reply to The0retical :
Somebody told me the quality of the CMP 1911s coming to market weren't so good.
In reply to spitfirebill :
I don't have an inside line sadly. My understanding from CMP was there's everything from unused surplus to heavy field use. Their press releases have made it seem as if they're all functional at a minimum. I guess we'll see when they take delivery of the first 10k of them.
It's always possible they were pulled out of a well though.
bigdaddylee82 said:
It's not the vintage Colt, Singer, or Remington Rand I lust for, but it should suit me just fine.
Are you anywhere near San Antonio? I have a '42 Colt that could use feeding from time to time.
Nice! I miss my 1911 but it's not on my list of guns to replace in the extremely near future. Someday.
The0retical said:
In reply to spitfirebill :
I don't have an inside line sadly. My understanding from CMP was there's everything from unused surplus to heavy field use. Their press releases have made it seem as if they're all functional at a minimum. I guess we'll see when they take delivery of the first 10k of them.
It's always possible they were pulled out of a well though.
This guy seemed to be a bit of a stickler on the quality of his guns. He had seen a picture of some that would be offered up. I just hope CMP can get some of the M-1 Garands from Taiwan and Korea now that we have a new POTUS.
In reply to spitfirebill :
Gotcha. I'm more of a user grade kind of person. I have a decent collection of guns but I view them as tools. So they get shot, drug through the brush, and carried without much care for keeping value. I don't abuse them, since that would be dangerous, but if they collect some knicks and wear, that's the price of using it as a tool. Even my "nice" guns (5" Kimber Eclipse and a custom Browning Buck Mark target pistol) show some pretty substantial use.
The range I belong to here in Easton actually has a CMP membership included in it's yearly dues so that was just a side benefit for me. I really need to get in line for a Garand so I can start shooting in the CMP marksman competitions.
Interested in your shooting impressions bigdaddylee82.
New Reader
4/25/18 12:38 p.m.
Yep, good ol' 1911.
My bad. This is missing a 1. This is a Taurus 911.
lol. I just think they're interesting. Sort of a cross between a Beretta and Sig.

In reply to The0retical :
CMP has been on my radar since the rumors started.
As for shooting impressions, can do, but I've never shot a 1911, believe it or not. Actually this is now just my 4th handgun. I've got an overstuffed safe of long guns, but it's not often that pistols are my "thing."
In reply to Hungary Bill:
I'm no where near San Antonio, well nearer than you are, but still. I have an uncle with a Remington Rand, and a few vintage Colts, I've drooled over, but never shot.

be careful, they like to multiply. I did change my compact to a set of Colt wraparound grips.

Next time you're in town, Lee, stop on by and I'll let you shoot a couple. You know, for "variety" and "experience."
4/25/18 5:57 p.m.
I'm still missing a 1911, but I gotta say, my Ruger P97DC fills that role very nicely.
Still, that's a fine piece of hardware you picked up.
In reply to Bob the REAL oil guy. :
How do you like that PSA? I've come bad close to picking up one of their "blems" when they've been on sale, on several occasions.
I'm content with the SR1911 for now, hopefully the only thing multiplying is magazines and ammo. I have a long list of "must haves," but short of stumbling across a deal I can't pass up, I'll be a one 1911 man for a while.
In reply to Hess:
Thank's Hess!
bigdaddylee82 said:
In reply to Bob the REAL oil guy. :
How do you like that PSA? I've come bad close to picking up one of their "blems" when they've been on sale, on several occasions.
Looks like a full size Springfield and a mini ATI to me?
In reply to secretariata :
You're right, I saw the blurry crossed cannons, and my mind thought PSA.

I wish I could fix my 911 problem.
secretariata said:
bigdaddylee82 said:
In reply to Bob the REAL oil guy. :
How do you like that PSA? I've come bad close to picking up one of their "blems" when they've been on sale, on several occasions.
Looks like a full size Springfield and a mini ATI to me?
correct. Springer loaded and a used ATI Titan with some work.
4/26/18 5:25 p.m.
Conan's Father: Fire and wind come from the sky, from the gods of the sky. But Crom is your god, Crom and he lives in the earth. Once, giants lived in the Earth, Conan. And in the darkness of chaos, they fooled Crom, and they took from him the enigma of steel. Crom was angered. And the Earth shook. Fire and wind struck down these giants, and they threw their bodies into the waters, but in their rage, the gods forgot the secret of steel and left it on the battlefield. We who found it are just men. Not gods. Not giants. Just men. The secret of steel has always carried with it a mystery. You must learn its riddle, Conan. You must learn its discipline. For no one - no one in this world can you trust. Not men, not women, not beasts.
[Points to 1911]
Conan's Father: This you can trust.
This makes me miss my 1911. I recently got the wife interested in shooting so she has a ruger lc9s and I picked up a Taurus millinium gen2 while sufficient and fun too shoot it doesn't have the same feel as the old colt.
The only thing I can say, is polish the damn feed ramps. The three 1911's I've shot, all improved significantly in reliability when that was done.
In reply to Gaunt596 :
That really did help my Rock FS Ultra 10mm. It still doesn't like TMJ's, but it'll eat everything else.