The place that hired me 5 months ago and has me working all sorts of wacky stuff made me a permanent job offer today. I'm going to take it and run with it and be super happy and buy lots of crappy craigslist cars!!!
Party at my house tonight (free beer but you have to work on the SAAB).
PS - Not selling the Javelin for at least 6 months now.
I will help work on the saab!
Congrats. Pass some of your good karma my way. 
I would work on the Saab! except I live 2000 miles away...
Congrats! I am still trying to find this myself.
If you end up needing to sell the Javelin in 6 months (or longer)let us know. Maybe we can keep it in the family so to speak.
i've had a lot of "permanent" jobs... it always feels good to get one..
Mod Squad
9/10/13 10:03 p.m.
Congrads. That has to be a relief.
Type Q
9/10/13 10:58 p.m.
Working in HR, I removed the term "permanent job" from my vocabulary years ago. I think in terms of two types of employee, temp(aka contingent) and direct.
Having said that, CONGRATULATIONS! We all know you busted your ass to get this.
I have done a lot of temp and contract work. It is nice when your work is valued enough they are willing come down off the fence to make you a direct job offer.
Time for richly deserved celebration at the Pinto house!
New Reader
9/10/13 10:59 p.m.
Congrats, and what is this SAAB you speak of? Now I need to go cyberstalk javelin. J
Yes, tell us more about the SAAB.
Congrats on full employment.
9/11/13 6:53 a.m.
congrats ... happy for you ...
damn... 3000 mi is a bit far even for me 
9/11/13 7:05 a.m.
Cool man! Now that you're working you can just give me all the hot wheels cars you were about to list for sale....
congrats...I will sadly not be able to attend, but I will drink a beer, while holding a wrench in my hand, and stare aimlessly at a car for a little while this evening, in remote solidarity.
I will curse at my current project in the garage in your honor sir.