he is always sniffing the ground, and when he gets going full trot, he will sometimes wad himself in a ball due to tripping on his own ears.
He has a ball that he likes to toss up into the air, watch it land, and then go trotting over to it to throw it up again.
I was prepared for problems when my wife wanted to rescue a dog - extensive interviews, home inspections etc - but I guess I got lucky when she picked the County animal shelter. They were so happy to have someone there adopting one of their dogs that (as soon as my credit card cleared for the $64.95 adoption fee) they couldn't have been any nicer. The whole process took about 5 minutes. The dog "Morris" turned out to be awesome.

Since I like to conserve threads, meet my new puppy Maverick (ok, well he's 10 months old)

well, he has gotten through the "transition period". He is definitely part of the family now. For the first few weeks, he shredded a stack of magazines (luckily, no GRMs were harmed in the making of this post), a couple books, 4 pairs of my girlfriends flip flops, and the bottom 6 inches of our vertical blinds.
He has not "messed" in the house in about 3 weeks, hasn't torn anything up in about 2 weeks, and has slept quite calmly in the middle of the bed for the last week or so as well.
he is still as adorable as ever. he lays next to me on the couch when I play Forza!