Picked my sis up before Christmas from PA.. she was talking how her B/F was home sick with a fever. Within days, she had infected the entire household with this nasty bug.
100 to 102 fevers, lots of mucus, general aches and pains.. the christmas gift that keeps on giving
Welcome to my world. I've had it since the day after Christmas. It's running through the entire family. The best part is having to get the house ready for the 30 people showing up for New Years Eve and getting the rental house ready for the new tenants that are moving in on the 1st.
It's really been kicking my ass.
It certainly DOES suck. I am in complete and full agreement. He's dealing with my whiny self.
Ugh. I can sympathize. My son picked up whatever he had, and passed it to me. I feel like death before being warmed over. I got bright, and topped it off with a sinus infection. It's been misery here.
Is this the 'flu or something else?
I had my shot fwiw, but not that it matters
I was flu-negative. My Doc said she was swamped by two things: Flu and Stomach Virus.
12/29/12 11:31 p.m.
The demon from "The Exorcist" crawled up my backside and died over the holidays. Expelled everything I ever consumed. Hey, at least it kept me away from the chocolate.
12/30/12 12:13 a.m.
That's uh.....disturbingly picturesque prose.
I don't think it's the flu, just a upper respiratory infection. I actually feel much better this morning. Hopefully I'm past the worst of it.
Hope the rest of you are getting past it as well.
Oh, and Leslie, you do draw a vivid picture. That's a tough way to avoid the holiday 10.
I don't have that problem Lesley.. just running a fever, packed sinuses that are making my teeth ache, and a nasty cough is developing. This is ontop of the feeling that I have been swallowing ground up glass... can't wait till tomorrow and I can see my doc.. if she is open
Lesley wrote:
The demon from "The Exorcist" crawled up my backside and died over the holidays. Expelled everything I ever consumed. Hey, at least it kept me away from the chocolate.
I call that "complete awareness". Stole it from somewhere.
at least she was not expelling stuff she hadn't eaten yet
12/30/12 8:22 a.m.
Flu log, day 2: my three housemates are sick like this. They all sound like hell, but so far I've managed to avoid contamination. Keeping contact to a bare minimum, at times barricading self in room with beer/snacks supply. My immune system continues to hold the upper hand.
I can't remember the last time I was sick, I usually don't catch anything but I have allergies in the spring, everytime. I was even joking about never being sick at work.
But now I have some sort of mucus, sick taste in my nose and throat. No headache, sore throat, fever, cough, or chest congestion. I know it's from the guys at work that have kids. Dammit.
12/30/12 10:28 a.m.
Try gargling with salt water – it really helps get rid of that "ground glass" in the throat feeling.
12/30/12 10:35 a.m.
the only time I've had that ground glass in the throat feeling it was an actual case of bronchitis ( bacterial in nature ), a visit to the doc and some antibiotics later and I was good to go
I've never had the real flu ( influenza ) ( where's the knock on wood emoticon when you need it ) but I've sure suffered through many of what we usually call the "flu" .... i.e. bad colds ... being out of the work force seems to keep me a bit more isolated from the different bugs that are going around ... hope it stays that way
well.. I was looking up the symptoms today... Flu is what we have. Thankfully it does not last long
12/30/12 11:55 a.m.
hope you're wrong ... influenza actually kills people... estimated deaths each yr in the US is ~ 30,000+ ... in the world somewhere between 250,000 and 500,000... so I hope all you have is an upper respiratory viral infection ( while serious, usually not deadly )
Flu kills people if it gets into the lungs and causes secondary infections. So far it is just upper respiratory
Mine got to the lungs and now I have phnomonia. Doc gave me drugs and I am better but it has been two weeks of suck.
12/30/12 8:06 p.m.
I've certainly been wrong before, but it's my understanding .. learned from my Dad ( he was a microbiologist/bacteriologist specializing in chest diseases) and he pointed out that influenza IS a disease of the respiratory system ( a pneumonia if you will) what we typically call the flu is a different virus from the actual flu ... those that contact influenza quite often end up in the hospital as opposed to the run-of-the mill "flu" bug
paging Dr.Hess to either confirm or set me straight
Lesley, you certainly know how to turn a phrase.
Everyone in my household is doing okay but I'm sure it's only a matter of time...