straight into Warhammer 40k. God help me, I'm playing with dolls
It all happened last weekend when the week before that my buddy said some of his friends had setup a tournament and he was going to be in it. Naturally, I wanted to spectate. 4 tables going at once, and somebody's mom cooked us chili and homemade buns for lunch, and then shredded beef on a bun for supper with dozens of homemade cookies... and we are all 18 or older.
Anyone else have the disease? I'm approaching it like a low budget car build, everything used for 75% less than MSRP.
Hell, enjoy it. I avoid games like that as best I can because they're a great way to spend money, but I've talked to people who play and it seems like there can be some real strategy involved.
3/3/11 10:46 p.m.
It sounds like you're in it for the food
Luke wrote:
It sounds like you're in it for the food
I am fresh out of college man, anything that ain't raman is a godsend! 
I'm afraid I'm going to have to certify this.
3/3/11 11:48 p.m.
You know why it's called 40k, don't you?
Because that's how much you have to spend.
(Note: total table-top geek, but mostly pen-n-paper stuff. Never really tried the warhammer stuff, but I know I'd prefer it over DnD 4e.)
Zomby woof wrote:
I'm afraid I'm going to have to certify this.
You're not qualified. There is only one, and will only ever be one, who can certify. And he does not indulge in the GRM kool-aid AFAIK. 
I have no idea what you people are talking about, but you have my pity.
Dear lord, I dropped that when I got out of highschool.
What revision are they on now? Every couple years they bring out a new ruleset to force you to spend more cash.
Run, while you still can!
Get your ass out in the garage where it belongs.
3/4/11 7:12 a.m.

I have no idea what you guys are talking about. (except the food part)
Yep, I'm a Nerd. This is a war hammer. Remember Thor?

(Looks over at the giant shelf of 40K stuff)
Uh, yeah, you want to play a game? 
Trans_Maro wrote:
Get your ass out in the garage where it belongs.
I figure if I buy the legacy rally car this weekend, that evens things out in a large way. $300 on dolls vs $7k on a car I do believe shows where my interest is vested 
I was always interested, but could never bring myself to spend the massive amounts of money it appeared to take nor did I have any friends who could spend that kind of money. Honestly, I'm still interested, but money is dedicated elsewhere and I don't have any friends with the time/money to play.
I did have a total M:TG addiction in high school, though, and a friend that's trying to get me sucked back in.
3/4/11 11:06 a.m.
Warhammer 40,000
40K (Warhammer 40,000) is a miniature sci-fi war game. Unlike other games where you buy "pre=painted" pieces, you have to build and paint your 40K stuff like a Revell Model Car (which is how I got suckered into it). The initial price of entry is high (to buy enough stuff to build an army or two), but once paid becomes a "zero cost" hobby (unlike say Magic where you have to buy the new releases every 3 months as they become more powerful).
I started in 2nd Edition in 1998, and they are now on 5th Edition, each one lasts roughly 5 years. I still have the same army from 2nd Edition as well, so all you really need to do is buy the new rulebook. The cool thing is they have "Starter Sets" now that have a full copy of the rules and TWO entire armies in the box ready to go (after you build/paint them). I've purchased two of the last two starter sets because the deals were so good.
Outside of the painting and gaming (which gets so competitive it makes autocross look like child's play, they have National and International Tournament series with season champions, invitation-only events, special tournaments, team play, and there is major money to be won as well as sponsorships, etc.), there is also the pure sci-fi of it. If you like sci-fi you owe it to yourself to read some of the books out there (especially anything by Dan Abnett), some of which have won some very prestigious literary awards. The universe it's in is a very dark and cruel place, Star Wars this ain't. Vader would pee his pants at the sight of some of the lesser "villains".
Anyways, I think it's a pretty cool hobby, especially if you live in a place with a racing "off season" or like to have challenging war games beyond Axis & Allies or Risk (they play 40K at the War Colleges for pete's sake). Also, it is the single largest non-card gaming hobby in the world. That means you can always find somewhere to play it!

Javelin wrote:
Anyways, I think it's a pretty cool hobby, especially if you live in a place with a racing "off season"
That is exactly it. Since I haven't been racing (and even with the purchase of the legacy, that won't change beyond an event or two this year), I need something else to keep me occupied 
New Reader
3/4/11 12:45 p.m.
Dolls made of metal!
Hobby ADD is a blessing and a curse.

My wife's little brother loved Warhammer at one he's in jail. Not sure if it's causal, but I'm just saying....
I have a lot of money wrap'd up in my Blood Angels army, as well as my Orc army. I still have them, its only been about 12 years sense I have used them tho.
I sold an original Dark Eldar in 2008 for enough to buy all new brakes for the P71 and pay for an HPDE. In 2010 I sold a (related) Battlefleet Gothic fleet for over $500 as well. Heck, a few weeks ago I got $100 for a cardboard stand up and another $100 for a Tournament banner!
I shudder to think what kind of car I could afford if I sold my 15,000 points of Black Templar, 5,000 of Space Marines, and 5,000 or Orks along with all of the terrain, books, and accessories. It would have 5 figures for sure. 
How have I not ever heard of this? You people must be freaks.