in front of my girlfriend's house. She lives in a decent neighborhood only a couple blocks away from the not so nice area of town. Two guys roll up in a Corolla and are talking for a while. The dog was growling and alerted me to them. I peeked out the window every now and then. But hten they both got out and started passing stuff back and forth. Turned around when a car drove by. Then started smoking something, but not cigarettes. I called the police at that point. Don't need that E36 M3 in the neighborhood. The police showed up 5 min. after the druggies left. I talked to the officer and gave a description so hopefully the get stopped at some point. Do whatever you want at home, but not in the street of a neighborhood.
No real point to this other than to vent. Thanks for listening.
It was probably legit. Just a couple of glaucoma patients taking their meds.
When I first bought my house, the apartment across the alley was full of drug dealers. People would pull up in the parking lot and they'd toss crack out the apartment window, I used to find hypodermic needles in my driveway. Fun times. 
That was over 25 years ago, fortunately the neighborhood's cleaned up a LOT since then.
New Reader
7/10/12 9:35 p.m.
You need to live around where I grew up. When you call the cops, they get the description of the perps and go hit them up for their cut. 
7/10/12 9:45 p.m.
cameras are your friend. cops usually have a slow response time. make it worth their effort by having photos of the deal.
I used to see a lot of drug deals many years ago. Oh wait, I was buying weed back in the late 1970's. I thank God daily that this garbage is out of my life.
I thank God...wait...what were we talking about?
Happens everywhere these days. We have 2 drug houses in my neighborhood (that I know of) and this is a pretty nice area with little to no crime. We had a crazy lady start a fire that burned down 4 homes about 5 years ago and the same year some teens broke into a few houses and stole property. Other than that it has been rummaging through unlocked cars and stealing change, CD's, guns, etc. from the glove box or console.
7/10/12 10:23 p.m.
Drug deals happen all the time in good neighborhoods. Middle & upper middle class white kids in suburbia have both the expendable income and free time requisite for the recreational (or otherwise) enjoyment of dope.
Grow house busted in a local hoity toitie neighborhood not so long ago. They took out something like 2300 plants.
when I was living near and working in Reading PA, it was not uncommon to see expensive cars in weird places as the users came into town to get their fix
In reply to CGLockRacer:
She still hasn't moved back to AA? She needs to get a house close enough to Yost to walk to the games, like we do. 
Where I grew up, any drug deal that didn't end up with a blood stain on the street didn't bother us much 
BAMF wrote:
Drug deals happen all the time in good neighborhoods. Middle & upper middle class white kids in suburbia have both the expendable income and free time requisite for the recreational (or otherwise) enjoyment of dope.
I grew up in a very wealthy town and I can tell you that this is %100 the Truth . Rich kids also like to steal a lot.
There was an article about a grow house bust in my town where the paper listed that one bit of evidence the cops confiscated was a book with a title like Grow Houses for Dummies. It wasn't actually a "For Dummies" book, but it was something similar.
The rich kids from a nearby up scale neighborhood used to come into my neighborhood, which is pretty calm and middle class, and sell their drugs at the end of our cul de sac.
7/11/12 7:30 a.m.
Drugs dealers have gotten smart like Craigslist sellers and mirror that creepy prostitution exchange.
They meet in public places, go for walks together, have conversations about random other topics, and go their separate ways.
A teenage kid who lived next door to me was a small time dealer, man was I glad when his mom decided to move. This was in a middle class n'hood with Crime Watch, all that stuff. Not to mention that if you stood in my back yard and then jumped high enough you could see the back wall of the police HQ at City Hall. I never called the Five-Oh because I couldn't prove squat, but the ex did find a baggie with some pot in it at the edge of the sidewalk and gave it to the kid's mom.
Then some friends of ours moved to a 'nice' neighborhood, like $250K and up. A year after they moved in, a meth lab was busted about five houses down from theirs. And I mean a BIG meth lab; it was front page news for 3 or 4 days.
HappyAndy wrote:
Rich kids also like to steal a lot.
Truth there. the Street I live on is older and a little shabby, but the neighbors are close and friendly. We recently had a lot of small petty thefts. Breakins, broken windows and stolen radios in cars, lawnfurniture...
Seems it was the kids that lived in the expensive condos on the other side of the main road
I see it all the time. Four known drug houses within camera range. Sometimes the DEA or narcotics detectives come and watch with me. (I don't live around here.)
In fact I read an article about people around here getting shot for NOT buying drugs. Pretty sure the victim was fabricating a plump section of their story.
There was a drug deal at our family reunion! I wasn't involved, but yea, pretty redneck if you ask me
A groundhog ate my strawberries yesterday. That's about as bad as it get in my 'hood.
Oh, and they busted a pot grow house in my nice middle class neighborhood. It was sad, too, because they were a nice couple that had two children that I'm sure they'll lose custody of. My wife and I thought we smelling pot a lot but couldn't quite nail down where it was coming from. It wafted through the neighborhood and was pretty strong and obvious.