8/12/14 3:29 p.m.
I know it's a scam … but since I've never had EZ-pass, and it's been nearly 35 yrs since I've been on a toll road … what makes them think I'd click on the link …much less give them any money ?
Service Center
Dear customer,
You have not paid for driving on a toll road. This invoice is sent repeatedly,
please service your debt in the shortest possible time.
The invoice can be downloaded here.
Yesterday my parents got one. Court summons in email form. That you have to click a link to see. Yeah that seems legit!
They can send out a million emails with no effort, so if they get any responses at all they're happy.
the fact that lots of us live in an area where it is easy to accidentally get on an ez pass area without really paying attention :-/ assuming you are like most of the idiots driving around here.
sadly they prob are making out pretty good on this scam
Yeah, I did the rough math in my head once. If someone sends out, say, 2 million scam Emails, only 1/2 of 1% actually answer the damn thing and the bad guys make, say, $20 each on them it's $200,000.00. Scale up from there.
I think you're making the mistaken assumption that the attached "bill" is indeed a bill and not a piece of malicious software that will install itself on your computer and then happily transmit your online banking details etc to a botnet...
Yeah, found one of those emails in my spam folder, figured it was a fake.
Reminds me I need to check on my real ez pass.
I respond to precisely squat legal stuff in email. You want a response, you send hardcopy.
Yeah, so how exactly is the toll authority going to have your email address if you don't have an EZ Pass? I haven't had to give the DMV my email to register a vehicle or renew my license so they can't find it that way. I know you realize it is a scam, but I can't believe how many people open emails with key phrases like subpeona, court, DMV, fine, etc rather than taking a moment to ask "How do they have my email address to send me this and how can they prove I am the person contacted (for legal purposes)?" Maybe when I'm 80 I won't have a functioning thought organ, but until then...WTF?
Let me guess the link ends in .php
secretariata wrote:
Yeah, so how exactly is the toll authority going to have your email address if you don't have an EZ Pass?
They probably got it from No Such Agency
8/13/14 6:39 a.m.
bentwrench wrote:
Let me guess the link ends in .php
don't know … didn't open it
secretariata wrote:
Yeah, so how exactly is the toll authority going to have your email address if you don't have an EZ Pass? I haven't had to give the DMV my email to register a vehicle or renew my license so they can't find it that way. I know you realize it is a scam, but I can't believe how many people open emails with key phrases like subpeona, court, DMV, fine, etc rather than taking a moment to ask "How do they have my email address to send me this and how can they prove I am the person contacted (for legal purposes)?" Maybe when I'm 80 I won't have a functioning thought organ, but until then...WTF?
Well, in my great state, they have taken to sending that sort of stuff via email, and only maybe later sending a paper version. From car tag renewals, drivers licence renewals, and even court subpeonas (seriously, my last one to come testify came via email). I get them electronically now. The various agencies are cross combing each others data bases for email information, and we're going to a state wide consolidated database.
8/13/14 6:57 a.m.
what happens if, as far as the legitimate agencies are concerned, if you don't "have" an e-mail account …
I know plenty of folk (usually older, but not always) that really DON'T have email
I have to be 100% convinced that the sender is who they say they are before I'll open an e-mail … much less an attachment
and I've NEVER EVER given my addy to any government agency ….
and foxtrapper …what state ? your profile just says USA