So, some of you know me. Some of you know I can cook. A few of you know I work for a restaurant supplier based out of grand Rapids Michigan. This is a dangerous combo.
The other day, I was strolling through my back room at work, and came across a couple of curious boxes, in a cart. Concerned they were supposed to be refrigerated, I toted them up front. Turns out, they were a couple of cases of pork belly destined for a restaurant of ours. I think they were a sales rep sample, but I dont care. My store manager (a liberal and a vegetarian) was tired of looking at them, and decided they were out. That means, I took home a case of pork belly, roughly 20lbs worth,
Armed with that knowledge, I had to figure out what to do with it . Now. I know how to cook a pork belly. But, what did I want to put it in? Chili, some sort of burger......tacos! A plan was hatched, and ingredients were purchased.
Step 1- the gross part. So, pork belly. It's a flap of meat on the belly of the pig. It's not very thick. It can be very long. This is how you get bacon. there are 5 roughly 2lb slabs there. The other 4, and its friends from slab #2 are taking a slumber next to the 10lb box of cheese curds, the proprietary chipotle chicken (yeah, I have a case of chicken from chipotle. Had a thing of queso too...but we ate all that) in the freezer I'm using as a counter top.
that's what uncured, fresh belly looks like. For reference, that is not a steak knife. That is a 9" chef knife. This stuff is no joke. After a liberal bath in assorted spices including Himalayan salts, smoked paprika, and pretty much whatever I felt like putting on it, it went into the oven at 450 degrees for a half an hour. Once that was done, turned the oven down to 275, and let it ride for another hour. (Uncovered the whole time, and on a raised roasting grate on a cookie sheet, if you're writing this down. ) ideally I should have seasoned the night before, but we were riding secret rollercoasters and not getting struck by lightning instead. I live a weird life.
Now, if you've eaten pork belly before (and the only excuse I'll accept for not is allergy to pork) its very flavorful, but extremely rich and fatty. You need something to cut that. Armed with a bag of slaw (prebagged target slaw) and a shockingly nice garlic/lime vinaigrette I found, threw a little extra key lime juice in (you have to have key lime juice in florida. It's the law. And delicious in gin.) We've got our veg.
Being who I am, I also needed spice. Now, I've done jalepeno mango slaw before, so I know good and well slaw and jalepeno work. But, I wasnt feeling it. So, we grabbed a couple jalepenos, sliced em down thin with a cheap Chinese mandolin from, breaded them, and fried them. Fried jalapenos are otherworldly. French's makes a decent one. Gordon food service does not. I make an amazing one, but they're mine. In any event, put that E36 M3 on everything.
this is what a cooked belly looks like. Resting it to allow the juices and stuff to cool and not bleed all over is essential. While it was resting, and I was finishing up, I threw a hunk of it in the fry oil that the jalepenos had been in. About 60 seconds later....holy E36 M3. Just....goddamn. I'll be deep frying some of it.
In any event- heres the final product. pork belly, cilantro/lime/garlic slaw, fried jalepeno, and a bit of sour cream. I would have had crema, but my target is berkeleying stupid and doesnt carry it so they can sell E36 M3 to tourists. (Given that I live half a mile from the closest target to Disney world......) it was kind of insane. I think I might double fry and throw it in some chili next.