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BoostedBrandon HalfDork
10/13/11 11:17 p.m.

Comedy at it's finest. Simple, stupid schtick, whose crew has amazing chemistry. Even the old british version. I have crowd many tears laughing at this stuff. I'm glad ABC Family still shows it late.

I've seen a newer version on some specialty channel from somewhere in vegas with a bigger crew. Meme too! Very funny stuff.

novaderrik Dork
10/13/11 11:49 p.m.

that's the show that introduced Wayne Brady to the world- which inspired the best Chapelle Show skit..

BoostedBrandon HalfDork
10/14/11 12:37 a.m.

I forgot about that!

"Oh E36 M3! Here comes Wayne Brady!"

Zomby woof
Zomby woof SuperDork
10/14/11 2:44 a.m.

We used to watch it in the 80's. Didn't care much for the later version.

ddavidv SuperDork
10/14/11 6:11 a.m.

Loved that show. We actually saw Colin and "that other guy" (can't remember his name) live a year or so ago. I swear I was in pain when we left the theater from laughing so hard. One word: mousetraps.

Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker SuperDork
10/14/11 6:32 a.m.
novaderrik wrote: that's the show that introduced Wayne Brady to the world- which inspired the best Chapelle Show skit..

Does Wayne Brady gotta choke a bitch?

fastEddie SuperDork
10/14/11 6:51 a.m.

Sort of related, we DVR'd and watched an episode of The Price is Right the other day as a friend's nephew was on the show. Drew looks even goofier now that he's not overweight!

MA$$hole Reader
10/14/11 7:20 a.m.

That was an amazing show. I remember during one of the skits Ryan was acting something out & fell into Drew's desk breaking the neon tubing.

DrBoost SuperDork
10/14/11 7:23 a.m.
ddavidv wrote: Loved that show. We actually saw Colin and "that other guy" (can't remember his name) live a year or so ago. I swear I was in pain when we left the theater from laughing so hard. One word: mousetraps.

"Colin and Brad: Two Man Group"
Yeah, that was hillarious. Netflix instant view FTW!

JG Pasterjak
JG Pasterjak Production/Art Director
10/14/11 7:24 a.m.

Ahh yes, the mousetrap game. My improv group used to do that for our Halloween shows. We had one guy who was a little nuts who used to crawl a lot during those scenes.

Wayne Brady and I did our improv training at the same theater in Orlando. He was already an established student performer when I was finishing the program, and I got to do one show with him before he left to seek fame and fortune out west. Needless to say he was amazingly talented, although a much nerdier and reserved guy than he is today. Headlining in Vegas will tend to boost self confidence a bit.

If you live in a town with any kind of theater community you probably have access to several decent live improv performances. Not all will be as polished, but there's something cool about seeing quality improv in a coffee shop or back room of a pizza parlor. It's got a very "local band" vibe, and when the moments are good, they're very good.


Chris_V SuperDork
10/14/11 9:16 a.m.
JG Pasterjak wrote: If you live in a town with any kind of theater community you probably have access to several decent live improv performances. Not all will be as polished, but there's something cool about seeing quality improv in a coffee shop or back room of a pizza parlor. It's got a very "local band" vibe, and when the moments are good, they're very good. jg

Yup. My wife is in an improv troupe here in Baltimore and does the same kinds of games/sketch comedy. Fun stuff to watch and occasionally be part of.


Otto Maddox
Otto Maddox Dork
10/14/11 9:19 a.m.

In reply to Chris_V:

I don't know what Rapture 2.0 is, but I like that the poster for it includes a Repo Man quote.

ReverendDexter SuperDork
10/14/11 9:32 a.m.

If you liked Who's Line, try another BBC show called "Fast and Loose".

Here's a couple clips from it:

Fast and Loose - Interpretive Dance

Fast and Loose - Sideways Scene

Chris_V SuperDork
10/14/11 9:38 a.m.
Otto Maddox wrote: In reply to Chris_V: I don't know what Rapture 2.0 is, but I like that the poster for it includes a Repo Man quote.

Hahaha! Not too many people get that.

conesare2seconds Reader
10/14/11 12:19 p.m.

It was frequently brilliant, and re-run all the time on cable/sat, thank goodness. And there's a revival-type show on the same network called Drew Carey's Improv-A-Ganza with most or all the old cast. It's fun too.

BoostedBrandon HalfDork
10/14/11 2:35 p.m.

In reply to conesare2seconds:

I couldn't remember what it was called, I think I caught it on Audience our Channel 101.

pinchvalve SuperDork
10/14/11 2:37 p.m.

Someone once referred to Africa as a country and the entire cast got a case of the giggles that they couldn't shake. Very funny stuff the rest of the show.

93EXCivic SuperDork
10/14/11 2:43 p.m.

I think Who's Line Is It Anyway is right up there with A Bit of Fry and Laurie, Monty Python's Flying Circus and Fawlty Towers as the shows that make me laugh the hardest.

turboswede SuperDork
10/14/11 5:07 p.m.

You can watch them all online:


I think this will get me through the winter until racing season :)

novaderrik Dork
10/14/11 10:04 p.m.
fastEddie wrote: Sort of related, we DVR'd and watched an episode of The Price is Right the other day as a friend's nephew was on the show. Drew looks even goofier now that he's not overweight!

don't forget the hair.. he's got gameshow host hair..

914Driver SuperDork
10/15/11 8:31 a.m.

Wayne Brady will never be the same.


Twin_Cam SuperDork
10/15/11 11:07 a.m.

It was a brilliant show. The American version was just as good. The American version was just a filler originally made to fill a timeslot left open by a sitcom that bombed after a few episodes IIRC. But it was so good they kept it going. The first episode is still the best one. Watch it.

fast_eddie_72 Dork
10/15/11 1:01 p.m.

I've had a really interesting experience in the last year or so. My son joined his High School improv team. From time to time they get to do the kind of amateur night "smack down" improve group competition at the improve theater downtown. So we go down there from time to time and see some of the other shows.

Live improve comedy is really fun! Man we have a good time. There are usually opportunities for the crowd to get involved, and my 12 year old daughter typically ends up on stage doing something. It's a blast! It's worth checking around your city to see if there is some amateur improv going on. It's pretty inexpensive for the amateur shows- cheaper than a movie, so a great way to spend a night without blowing a lot of cash.

corytate HalfDork
10/15/11 10:21 p.m.

god i loved whose line. religiously. greg proops still does chelsea lately sometimes, ryan and colin mochrie were always my favorites, and wayne brady was the master of the musical bits. One of the best shows ever, the american version and the brit version.

ckosacranoid Dork
10/15/11 11:12 p.m.

yes, have to agree its one very cool show and wayan really knows how to sing really well.....

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