I've got a similar story. Guy in a late '80s Camaro was seriously tailgating me while I was driving an '84 Toyota Van. We get to the twisties and I nail it. After navigating a couple turns I look in my rear view to see a giant dust cloud and him sideways in the road. He'd gone off a bit and almost lost it. I'll give him credit for saving it, but after that he backed WAY off.
5/8/12 8:06 a.m.
I don't think I've ever caused an accident, but I've gotten other people tickets on several occasions.
Usually I find some jackwagon revving on me at a stoplight, so I'll do a hard launch followed by a short shift up to second at a leisurely pace, and jackwagon flies off to find Officer Friendly is not so impressed by his blow-off valve.
Once when I still had my ACR some clown in a 300Z pulled out right in front of me, so I was kind of up his butt a little. We were headed toward a nice R-L-R interstate on ramp and I saw him look at me in the mirror and figured he was going to go for it. So I dropped it into 3rd and stood on just about time he did. Got to the other end of the ramp and I was still on his ass at about 90, so he pinned it and ran away while I backed off. A mile later I saw him on the side of the road with a Maryland stateboy Impala behind him.
mad_machine wrote:
I will admit this was not the first time I have gone quickly into that corner. My favourite was an E46M3 that I went around in that same corner (it goes from 2 lanes to 1 at the end where it merges onto the AC Expressway) and to prove that his car was better.. he floored it once the road straightened out and left my 140hp ti for dead
Eh, so what. You can train an animal to push a pedal.
Takes dedication & education to go through the twisty parts.
5/8/12 10:57 a.m.
It always amazes me at people's inability to take any kind of turn without braking/slowing down, even beautifully engineered banked turns designed to be taken at insterstate speeds.
Even moreso since my daily driver is an Insight and it takes me a while to get back up to said insterstate speeds if some doucher slows me down.
e_pie wrote:
It always amazes me at people's inability to take any kind of turn without braking/slowing down, even beautifully engineered banked turns designed to be taken at insterstate speeds.
Even moreso since my daily driver is an Insight and it takes me a while to get back up to said insterstate speeds if some doucher slows me down.
I was noticing that today... e_pie. I was following three SUVs on surface streets.. nothing too kinky turn wise.. the kinds of turns that even an old VW bug could go around without worry.. they slowed from 50mph to 40 for every one of them
I have a theory about them slowing when turning.
There is a string tied to the bottom of the steering wheel and to the accelerator pedal. So when the steering wheel turns it pulls up on the accelerator.
I had an Expedition try to ride my ass around the cloverleaf from 75S to 285E (http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=33.890305,-84.460541&spn=0.006884,0.009645&t=m&z=17&lci=com.panoramio.all) while I was in my CRX. It turned out poorly for him.
5/8/12 11:41 a.m.
BBsGarage wrote:
I have a theory about them slowing when turning.
There is a string tied to the bottom of the steering wheel and to the accelerator pedal. So when the steering wheel turns it pulls up on the accelerator.
That's a logical way to think about what's happening. The people who do drive that way have no logic what so ever.
RossD wrote:
BBsGarage wrote:
I have a theory about them slowing when turning.
There is a string tied to the bottom of the steering wheel and to the accelerator pedal. So when the steering wheel turns it pulls up on the accelerator.
That's a logical way to think about what's happening. The people who do drive that way have no logic what so ever.
Actually I think its a dealer installed safety device installed after the dealer learns about the person buying the vehicle.
Duh, they have their driving aids turned on. When they turn the car automatically brakes.
Buncha noobs. Dont they know its faster with the aids turned off?
To the OP, have you tried checking the local police logs to see if an accident was reported? It wouldn't tell you if there was just minor damage and guy drove home, but you could at least ease your mind that there wasn't major damage or injury?
Can I drive behind you from now on? I am so tired of getting behind people creeping around those things and people trying to merge onto the freeway at 35mph.
DILYSI Dave wrote:
I had an Expedition try to ride my ass around the cloverleaf from 75S to 285E (http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=33.890305,-84.460541&spn=0.006884,0.009645&t=m&z=17&lci=com.panoramio.all) while I was in my CRX. It turned out poorly for him.
Ha! I used to drive that every morning to my old job!
racerfink wrote:
I absolutely love passing the ricers on the outside of a corner...
In my '96 Chevy C1500 Extended Cab.
I used to do the same in my 93 ECSB GMC V6, as well as my 2.2L 5-spd Sonoma and then later in my 89 Chevy RCSB V6. Slow as balls in a straight line, but there wasn't an onramp that I couldn't easily double the suggested speed.
What's more funny is when I drive the 90hp Accent. 0-60 sometime today, but I NEVER. EVER. LIFT. It now handles so well, energy management is what that car can excel at. I'll run the same 60mph on hte offramp as I did on the straight. Watching the DB AMG owner fly past me on the highway only for me to pass him on the offramp because he's scared to turn.
friedgreencorrado wrote:
mad_machine wrote:
I will admit this was not the first time I have gone quickly into that corner. My favourite was an E46M3 that I went around in that same corner (it goes from 2 lanes to 1 at the end where it merges onto the AC Expressway) and to prove that his car was better.. he floored it once the road straightened out and left my 140hp ti for dead
Eh, so what. You can train an animal to push a pedal.
Takes dedication & education to go through the twisty parts.
That was a Sheltie pushing the pedal. They are smarter than some "drivers" I've witnessed.
I never really drive fast on the street. But I do not let people push me around either.
One time, I was climbing a two lane hill at night (in the Miata) that had a speed limit of 45 mph. I'm doing about 50 and I am about to overtake a large truck in the slow lane that is doing about 25 mph.
I notice a car coming up hill behind me FAST in the slow lane. It's clear that he intends to "time it just right" and swerve in front of me. I hold my position and it got pretty tight....he has to slam his brakes on in order not to hit the slow moving truck.
Honestly, it was an idiotic move on his part. Maybe he thought I'd slow down and allow him to cut me off?
Anyway, now Joe Speed is pissed and he going to punish me by tailgating me plus swerving back and forth and flashing his lights.
Maybe he was late for something important....like the show at the local titty bar or something.
That's when I notice a large sedan following him.
And the roof-gumballs of the big sedan go on.
What bothers me as bad as the slow turners is the fast through town people. The will go 60 in a 65 and not move over or make room. When you finally get around and get into a town they go 60 in the 35 zone and you have to make an effort to block so you don't have to try pass on the highway again.
I've got one, and I wonder how I should feel.....
Two weeks ago I am turning right onto a 4 lane. Traffic is moderate and coming from my left. Daily driver is a 350Z and I get on it (halfway) so there is not an issue from the approaching traffic. Plenty of room, no-one had to apply brakes at all, all is fine.
The approaching car, in the right lane, must have now gunned it and is now on my bumper, and (of course) pulls alongside me on my left and I get the finger. I stay calm and ride along, watching ahead, and looking over at my new friend. I get it, you think!, I pulled out in front of you. This goes on for a while.
Traffic is stopped ahead in his left lane. I think "He is going to slam into the back of that truck...." I'm still getting the finger and, yep, not 10 second later, he's skidding into the back of a box truck. I ride on, and think Karma, but as time goes on I feel different (bad) and this is my Karma.
I think I did as the 99%. I wonder how that 1% would have done differently.....I going to try and be more 1% somehow.
Gasoline wrote:
I've got one, and I wonder how I should feel.....
Two weeks ago I am turning right onto a 4 lane. Traffic is moderate and coming from my left. Daily driver is a 350Z and I get on it (halfway) so there is not an issue from the approaching traffic. Plenty of room, no-one had to apply brakes at all, all is fine.
The approaching car, in the right lane, must have now gunned it and is now on my bumper, and (of course) pulls alongside me on my left and I get the finger. I stay calm and ride along, watching ahead, and looking over at my new friend. I get it, you think!, I pulled out in front of you. This goes on for a while.
Traffic is stopped ahead in his left lane. I think "He is going to slam into the back of that truck...." I'm stil getting the finger and, yep, not 10 second later, full impact into the back of a box truck. I ride on, and think Karma, but as time goes on I feel different (bad) and this is my Karma.
I think I did as the 99%. I wonder how that 1% would have done differently.....
Well, that's kind of like what we were telling madmachine..you are responsible for your vehicle. Not anyone else's. I've had people pull out in front of me, I don't even get mad if I see that they realized it was a little close, and nail the throttle (most street cars, you can see the squat). If I do have to get on the binders (and get mad), I just consider it "defensive driving". Not worth busting up the car (or risking hurting someone) over.
BBsGarage wrote:
I have a theory about them slowing when turning.
There is a string tied to the bottom of the steering wheel and to the accelerator pedal. So when the steering wheel turns it pulls up on the accelerator.
I'll admit to doing this sometimes when I have a really tall, full cup in the BMW's cup holder. They tend to eject the cup if you do any remotely spirited driving.
In reply to Gasoline:
It says that you're not an shiny happy person. You contemplated your past actions. A true dick wouldn't have thought twice about it.
nickel_dime wrote:
A couple of years ago I did basically the same thing. Kid on my bumper, 50 mph, turned in for the on ramp and rolled into the throttle. Took that ramp a few weeks later and there was a shiny new section of guard rail.
One of the guys at work had a BMW that he wouldn't hesitate to tell you how fast the car was and good he could drive it. After work one day I followed him onto a big sweeping ramp on to a highway. He was 4-5 car lengths ahead at turn in and I was pushing him just a little at the bottom. BTW I was driving my 5 ton ambulance at the time. I've never had to hear about how fast he is ever since. And yes, I can be a shiny happy person on occation
Please tell me you were chomping on a cigar at the time. I've seen you in that ambulance and that had to be a hilarious scene.
5/9/12 5:54 p.m.
I remember being an shiny happy person to a dude in a blue Viper GTS years ago. He was on a very fun windy onramp to Rt 95 South in Norwood, MA. I was in a 70hp '92 Civic CX hatch with mild suspension and 195/50-15 Yoko ES100's.
He was staying in the middle of the lane of this windy descending onramp, gunning it. I was taking the racing line (as I had hundreds of times prior) and staying right on his tail (safely so) with zero effort. 
Once he got onto the freeway, he dropped the hammer, though.