1/24/19 4:23 p.m.
Ok not quite, this would be for a non-profit and be free to users. I'm not sure I can monetize it yet but it does seem like a valuable service.
I'd like to pay someone to build a website for an idea I have. The good news is there is another website already out there, that does exactly what I want to do but for a different product. That copy cat website is also open source, even for commercial use. To me that means building what I want is probably a little easier. The bad part is it's still too complicated for a nimwit like me to try to DIY.
I talked to a buddy in the know and he said "You are going to need someone with some site administration experience considering they will need to get the proper server and set up all the required dependencies (ruby, rails, node). They will also need to know how to customize it so they will also need to code in ruby, rails, node. The good news is this is a pretty common stack so you should be able to find someone without much problem. "
He's going to ask his friends and see if anyone is interested but since GRM knows pretty much everything, I figure this could be a good place to start. Anyone know a guy that knows a guy (or girl!)?
step #1 load it up with copious amounts of adult content
captdownshift said:
step #1 load it up with copious amounts of adult content
Aren't those all "for profit" sites? 
1/24/19 7:42 p.m.
So you need a developer - do you also need an artist? (Who will determine what the site looks like?)
Following. I've tried this a couple of times and it has not worked out and I kinda let my project die. IIRC Gameboy on here is a full-stack developer?
Yeah I do full-stack web development, mostly with PHP/JS/MySQL, but I've dabbled in Ruby/Rails/node.js a bit. Starting with an open-source project you just need to customize could save a lot of work, but keep in mind that open-source "viral" licenses like GPLv3 require the resulting code to be released under the same license if the product is being offered to the public.
Step#1 marry a smart rich hot girl.
Step#2 become filthy rich.
Step#3 cheat on her then file for divorce.
1/25/19 8:27 a.m.
GameboyRMH said:
Yeah I do full-stack web development, mostly with PHP/JS/MySQL, but I've dabbled in Ruby/Rails/node.js a bit. Starting with an open-source project you just need to customize could save a lot of work, but keep in mind that open-source "viral" licenses like GPLv3 require the resulting code to be released under the same license if the product is being offered to the public.
I don't fully understand what that means but if it means my code needs to be available for free, that's fine. The coding itself won't be anything special (I think?), it will just be for a different product. You or any of your friends looking for some side work?
Robbie said:
So you need a developer - do you also need an artist? (Who will determine what the site looks like?)
For logos and design sure, In the beginning this site could be a carbon copy of the other site I'm referencing. Just with different logos and tracking a different product. I do have ideas to make it better but I don't think I would care if others copied that code.
The site I want to copy is https://bikeindex.org/ . Like I said, a carbon copy with a different domain name and logos would work perfectly for what I'm trying to do.
Ok, so Bikeindex's code is GPLv3, If you make a site with a modded version of that then the code will have to be made available for free, just wanted to make sure that's not a dealbreaker for your idea. I'm interested in side work, PM or email me at my username at gmail. I also do graphics work.
Fivver has a million people that'll get it done.
Enyar said:
GameboyRMH said:
Ok, so Bikeindex's code is GPLv3, If you make a site with a modded version of that then the code will have to be made available for free, just wanted to make sure that's not a dealbreaker for your idea. I'm interested in side work, PM or email me at my username at gmail. I also do graphics work.
Done! Thanks!
Sent you back an email, make sure it didn't go into spam.
I also do a bit of web development. Not usually as in depth as this one sounds, but I could be interested.
1/25/19 5:54 p.m.
Nick Comstock said:
Step#1 marry a smart rich hot girl.
Step#2 become filthy rich.
Step#3 cheat on her then file for divorce.
I always wondered what weird eye bezos' bidness plan was from nobody to ruler of the universe....