8/4/12 12:49 a.m.
WEST WINDSOR — A car that veered off Route 1 during the rush-hour commute this morning hit a fence and went flying over six Mini Coopers at an auto dealership before landing upside-down on a seventh, police said.
The woman who was driving the car survived and was taken to the hospital for an evaluation, police said.
The accident took place at 8:33 a.m. on northbound Route 1 just past Quakerbridge Road, near the BMW of Princeton dealership, Lt. William Bastedo said.
“It went off the road approximately 122 feet prior to the BMW dealer, drove on the grass, hit a fence and went airborne,” Bastedo said.
In addition to taking out the dealership’s sign, the car damaged a total of nine Mini Coopers, and was significantly damaged itself when it landed on its roof. Police did not explain how all the Minis were damaged.
Wally wrote:
Police did not explain how all the Minis were damaged.
I kind of thought that was the obvious part... 
Ian F
8/4/12 3:25 p.m.
I pass that dealership almost every day. It'll be interesting to see the damage tomorrow.
Ian F
8/4/12 5:08 p.m.
So far, the pics are rather bland:
I don't see anywhere for the car to ramp besides small embankments by curbs. Don't get me wrong, I know an object in motion tends to stay in motion, so I understand, but I'm curious as to how it happened.
Ian F
8/4/12 9:18 p.m.
I'm not sure either. I don't remember a fence near the MINI dealership.
8/4/12 10:41 p.m.
It actually doesn't take much to get a vehicle airborne if they are travelling fast enough. I have seen a taco truck go airborne five feet in the air off a small flower bed.
Hungary Bill wrote:
Wally wrote:
Police did not explain how all the Minis were damaged.
I kind of thought that was the obvious part...
Looks like MINI-mal damage 
I pass that dealer about once or twice a month.
Traffic on Rt. 1 can be nutty.
Ojala wrote:
I have seen a taco truck go airborne five feet in the air off a small flower bed.
You must make this your sig 
Ian F
8/5/12 3:10 p.m.
I just drove past and could see the tire tracks through the grass. How she missed the telephone poles that are every 50' here is a miracle. As I recalled, there is no fence. What she hit was the 3" poles spaced along the property line in front of the lot. Three of those were bent over.