The branch came right down on the roof, point first, then bounced. The roof isn't leaking, but it did hit the strongest part of it.
I'm not sure if I'm going to make a claim on insurance or not. I do have full coverage, but I have a deductible and the car isn't worth much. I had a local buyer who still might want it (oddly enough, he is a body guy) but I'm going to have to knock money off of the price.
I guess the question is if I can get more from the insurance or from the guy who wants to buy it, but I think I have to report the claim within 24 hours.
9/25/15 6:55 p.m.
hit it with a hammer, it'll be fine
Claim it... total it... buy it back... build chump car... go racing... ???... profit
No, you don't have to put the claim in within 24 hours, unless your policy has some kind of unusual clause. You certainly don't want to wait a month, but a few days won't matter.
You have the option of filing the claim and then withdrawing it if you want. They will just close the file. So it can't hurt to claim it.
I submitted the claim, and asked an appraiser to come out. The car might actually be sold between then and now, though.
No input. But I'm so damn happy you're across the country. My FC cravings have been through the stinking roof lately...
Klayfish wrote:
No, you don't have to put the claim in within 24 hours, unless your policy has some kind of unusual clause. You certainly don't want to wait a month, but a few days won't matter.
You have the option of filing the claim and then withdrawing it if you want. They will just close the file. So it can't hurt to claim it.
yeah … talk to your agent … find out how big a hit you'll take at renewal … counting deductible, renewal up charge, and how much you'll lose on sale … do all the math … the answer will present itself ..
it's nice to have klayfish on here … thanks guy
Man, sorry to hear about thar branch, that sucks. Lately I have been parking away from my usual shady parking spot, because it's directly under a black walnut tree. If you've ever had a black walnut tree, you'll understand just how much I hate this tree right now.
just cut down both of my walnut trees … 12 - 15" dia.
nothing will grow under them … they poison the crap out of the ground …it'll take a couple of yrs, but finally some ornamental flowering bushes can actually do as they're supposed to in that part of the yd
Yup, not to mention all of the rotting walnut bombs falling out of the sky this time of year.
I have two walnut trees. They are such a PITA. And I don't even get any walnuts because of the damned squirrels.
I was roundly chastised by a buddy at the local Ace Hardware, for not contacting Remington Arms before I cut these down … if they were something RA could have used, they probably have sent a crew out to take them down and haul them off … but now I have some good firewood
9/26/15 9:44 a.m.
EastCoastMojo wrote:
If you've ever had a black walnut tree, you'll understand just how much I hate this tree right now.
Black Walnuts are the only thing worse than a Sycamore... like I have over my driveway.
The oak tree that crushed the FC also drops plenty of acorns every year. While not as bad as a walnut, they can mimic hail fairly well.
I'm going to work with my neighbor to get a tree service involved to give the oaks a haircut. I was giving them a look and there are some more branches up there that look ready to shed.
Duke wrote:
EastCoastMojo wrote:
If you've ever had a black walnut tree, you'll understand just how much I hate this tree right now.
Black Walnuts are the only thing worse than a Sycamore... like I have over my driveway.
I'll throw sweet gum trees into the fight. You can't give away the wood for firewood.
9/26/15 11:52 a.m.
at least black walnut makes for some beautiful furniture if you get some really purple bits.
9/26/15 12:53 p.m.
I have a Black Walnut tree on one side of my driveway, and a Pecan tree on the other.
I park under the Black Walnut. It is by far the lesser of 2 evils.
9/26/15 2:30 p.m.
Regarding post title: Your car is not crushed, it just has a dent in the top. This car is crushed.
ncjay wrote:
Regarding post title: Your car is not crushed, it just has a dent in the top. This car is crushed.
It's as much of a total loss as that one in the eyes of the insurance.