yeah, the grey "square peg, round hole" one, not the turbo shocker one. and it was underneath a solid blue Oxford, so only i knew it was there. guess what: i got the job! i am now working for an engineering services division of a global automotive supplier, on integration projects that are too small to be serviced by a traditional Tier-1. can't say much more than that at this time. 
3/25/11 11:00 p.m.
Congrats, keep that shirt - it's good luck!
3/25/11 11:07 p.m.
If you are stealing my in dash chicken soup dispenser my lawyers will be in touch. If you aren't then congrats.
3/26/11 5:16 a.m.
Nice! And if you're bringing back the 8-track, I salute you.
3/26/11 6:04 a.m.
So that's how you do it! All this time I've been wearing just plain undershirts!
I will have to do that in the near future!
AngryCorvair wrote:
yeah, the grey "square peg, round hole" one, not the turbo shocker one. and it was underneath a solid blue Oxford, so only i knew it was there. guess what: i got the job! i am now working for an engineering services division of a global automotive supplier, on integration projects that are too small to be serviced by a traditional Tier-1. can't say much more than that at this time.
Congrats on the job, angryd00d!!!
I made that first T-shirt as a joke for my brother's birthday when we were building the first Challenge car. Designed on MS Word...and it wasn't all off-center and E36 M3 like the "new" ones.
It cost me somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 berkeleying dollars to have that ONE shirt printed.
3/26/11 10:30 a.m.
What would happen if one wore a GRM shirt for an interveiw?
I wanna know where I can pick up those shirts
3/26/11 2:28 p.m.
Hong Norr shirts are only available by direct association with the Hongs, and usually involve copious amounts of alcohol and public displays that make frat house hazings look tame. 
In other words, the Hong shirt can loose you a job with perhaps greater ease than it can win you one. 
When they were once called on for the "car club" award, JG noted that they were a little more like a "gang" then a "club".

My association with Hong Norr has done me more good than harm, except for the pounding headaches the next afternoon. 
Srsly, when I interviewed for my previous job, I was talking with a Chief Engineer about the GRM Challenge. Turns out he's a GRM fan, and started asking me about some of the extracurricular antics and the teams responsible for them. Naturally, he had one particular team in mind. "Westside?" I asked. No, that's not it. "Hong ..." He finished the name for me. "Hong Norr! Hell yeah, they sound like my kind of people!"
i told that story on this board right after i took that job, and a representative of Hong Norr contacted me with an offer to send me one of the square peg t-shirts for the Chief.
I wear the shocker one to work all the time. Under my FRC shirt. :(
Tom Suddard
Director of Marketing & Digital Assets
3/26/11 8:07 p.m.
I wear the shocker one to school all the time. The other kids think it's hilarious. The teachers do, too.
Mod Squad
3/27/11 2:03 a.m.
I also posses one of the originals. In the same way Angry P earned his, I paid a painful penance of a whisky and Natty light. I wear it as a badge of honor.
It usually gets some respect at the track.
3/27/11 7:05 a.m.
While I would wear it with pride, I would probably have a little trouble earning my own. Since I always bring my family to the Challenge, I'm pretty sure they would not understand.