Grocery store chain Price Chopper is now offering Covid Vaccines.
I'm curious, am I, as a mechanic at a dealership, allowed to get a vaccine under the "essential worker" heading? We were allowed to stay open all through the worst of it, because we were an essential business. And it seems like it would be a good idea to get us vaccinated, since we are climbing in and out of different people's cars all the livelong day
In reply to NickD :
Probably. Check with your county health department. In my state you would of been in the first group of non nursing home people, non healthcare people to get it.
Your employer should of been notified and told you but just go straight to the source.
Both my wife and I have gotten the vaccine and we know quite a few others in different industries that have gotten it.
Being an essentially worker isn't a good indicator of eligibility. Unfortunately, there are a lot of essential workers out there who are likely at the end of the line.
Here in AZ, large employers are encouraged to let their employees know when they are eligible based on employment.
It's best to try to find statewide literature about how various occupation are classified in terms of vaccine rollout. If you believe you are even slightly within a group of occupations (for example I'm within "Utility First-Line Responders") you can sign up. Apparently aside from Medical folks, very few vaccination sites are verifying occupation.
Due to our DIL's immune system issues, our son is pressing (politely).
Our local pharmacy has us on their list for next week. The Price Chopper folks confirmed our appointments but neglected to tell us WHERE.
Forgot: Our son's neighbor went to the vaccine place near the close of hours, "Got any leftovers?"
Well yeah! Cancellations, no shows, this stuff has a short shelf life.
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