i wanna be the pimp." that's what my buddy Jay says about working for the man versus being the man. along those lines, i've been working on an invention with a medical doctor friend of mine, and so far we've got four patent applications published domestically, and have received positive feedback from the international search authority (kinda like the USPTO for the rest of the world).
I wish you luck, there have been a heck of a lot of applications for full cooling lately. Pretty cool statistics on the backside of the technique as well for full body immersion for brain swelling and trauma as well.
wearymicrobe wrote:
I wish you luck, there have been a heck of a lot of applications for full cooling lately. Pretty cool statistics on the backside of the technique as well for full body immersion for brain swelling and trauma as well.
Yep, therapeutic hypothermia is beneficial for all sorts of things. Our device addresses all sorts of problems with surface cooling, ie does not lose effectiveness due to reduced circulation to the surface, does not restrict physician's access to the patient's body, etc. At the same time, it is a non-sterile device which can be placed by EMT in the ambulance on the way to the hospital, by a nurse in the ER, etc, so it's much faster to implement than the invasive arterial catheter method -- not to mention the possibility/probability of clotting associated with the arterial method. I'm pretty excited about it.
8/27/11 8:08 p.m.
Good luck. We're using localized hyperthermia in oncology.
Glad to hear this is coming together!
Keith wrote:
Glad to hear this is coming together!
me too, buddy. i haven't forgotten my test drive! 
I wondered how this project was progressing, keep up the good work mate
I'll keep an eye on this. We use hypothermia in cardiac arrest patients but it's a bit complicated so anything that simplifies the procedure would be great
Maybe you can learn me some patent information. I've got some things drafted up for police application. Good luck.
You'll always be my ho.
more good press for my effort to be the pimp. maybe one day i'll be able to afford the challenge again 
See AngryCorvair pimp.
Pimp, AngryCorvair, pimp!
10/13/11 6:18 a.m.
I'm working on patents myself.
I'm looking for investors, anyone....anyone?
10/13/11 7:05 a.m.
DrBoost wrote:
I'm working on patents myself.
I'm looking for investors, anyone....anyone?
On the first one... I am not certain how you would expect her to hear it over all the bitchin ;)
On the second one, don't refer to it as "Paper" refer to it as "the Natural Earth Edition, 100% recyclable AND biodegradeable... you know to save the trees!"
I just saw you are in Kalamazoo which is cool on my part as that is my birthplace along with a bunch of family
Could save the lives of millions of American men by giving them advanced warning of pending danger that they may otherwise never see coming...kinda like the horn on a freight train or a tornado siren. Way to save lives Doc!
update 19 Nov 2011: we won the Medical Devices sector of the Accelerate Michigan Innovation Competition and picked up a $25,000 prize for the effort, and were awarded a SBIR Phase 1 grant of $150,000 from the National Science Foundation. Ah, progress.
Occupy angry's house!!! Oh wait. berkeley that. I don't want to go to Detroit. I remember (vaguely) talking about this on my porch, and at the mitty. I'm so happy to see it coming to fruition. Congrats to one of the smartest, coolest, sexiest motherberkeleyers I know. You just made my day, homie.
11/20/11 2:34 a.m.
Congratulations! That's some solid progress.
Is $150K as much money as it sounds like, in this context? I imagine there's not really a 'grassroots' way to go about designing something like this.