I normally avoid threads that I guess will be locked, BUT NOT THIS ONE!
This one night I was out with Bill Clinton and some guy that owned a Honda deal in Atlanta Ga........
Hallo. How are so many of us squeezing under a closing door?
This honda dealer is wood-something can choke on a bag of....
12/1/17 7:25 p.m.
Say, this is odd, but I'm in.
Why is this being locked?

12/1/17 7:33 p.m.
I have a funny feeling, but here I am.
New Reader
12/1/17 7:44 p.m.
Better late than locked out
Still not locked? I would have locked it immediately after posting just to annoy people 
Huh? whats going on in here?

Time's up! Thanks for playing
Your internet points will be mailed out soon.
So I can get in the last word. Interesting.........