° Dang. It worked. So how do you get the 'cent' sign?
There's all kinds of strange stuff in there.
alt 0171 «
alt 0172 ¬
Nothing for alt 0173
alt 0174 ®
alt 0175 ¯
alt 0177 ±
alt 0178 ²
alt 0179 ³
alt 171 ½
alt 172 ¼
alt 173 ¡
alt 174 «
alt175 »
alt 176 ░
alt 177 ▒
alt 178 ▓
alt 179 │
alt 1☺
alt 2☻
alt 3 ♥
alt 4 ♦
alt 5 ♣
alt 6 ♠
alt 7 •
alt 8 ◘
alt 9 ○
alt 10 ◙ (WTF is this?)
alt 11 ♂
alt 12 ♀
alt 13 ♪
alt 14 ♫
alt 15 ☼
alt 16 ►
alt 17 ◄
alt 18 ↕
alt 19 ‼
alt 20 ¶
OK that's enough, the boss is looking at me funny.
11/20/13 3:58 p.m.
it was -10 degrees C here this morning and I am a LOT further south than HiTemp.
Weather is shaping up nicely for the Rally of the Tall Pines!
Holy berkeley. Who knew computers could do E36 M3 like that?
Followup: I will have forgotten this within 15 minutes.
11/20/13 5:59 p.m.
Streetwiseguy wrote:
Followup: I will have forgotten this within 15 minutes.
I printed Curmudgeon's list out so I won't forget. But I will probably lose the list in a week or so.
11/20/13 6:32 p.m.
75° Worked for me, though it was closer to 40° this afternoon here. As long as so goes ahead and berkeleys off. i'm fine with cold.
It was 22°F here and I went running anyway.
Compression undies for the win.
NGTD wrote:
Weather is shaping up nicely for the Rally of the Tall Pines!
Which is a week later this year. I think last years was the coldest one I've ever attended.
We had frost last night, but it's supposed to be 11 on Friday, so I may go riding.
Curmudgeon wrote:
OK that's enough, the boss is looking at me funny.
In linux, you open the keyboard layouts, composite keys, and select which ever key you want... right win key is a good one. Full list of composite keystrokes is in /usr/share/X11/locale/en_US.UTF-8/Compose for most of us.
11/20/13 6:59 p.m.
RossD wrote:
Everyone play along at home:
To type the degree mark.
First hold down the 'Alt' key,
Then type the numbers: 0176
and release the 'Alt' key.
doesn't work on a Mac … but then we have special characters under the Edit drop down menu°
So how do you get the 'cent' sign?
Type cent sign into browser.. Then copy and paste.
Zomby Woof wrote:
NGTD wrote:
Weather is shaping up nicely for the Rally of the Tall Pines!
Which is a week later this year. I think last years was the coldest one I've ever attended.
We had frost last night, but it's supposed to be 11 on Friday, so I may go riding.
If work allows me to, I will be at Tall Pines... Lousy Work.. Always, wanting me to be there..
If I lived in a place where negative (non metric, that's cheating) temps were a thing...
I'd move.
Nope nope.
Same goes for any place with triple digit temps, count me out.
Best part: I refuse to wear pants to work, shorts year round, even if I'm working the freezer, in the winter.
11/21/13 4:54 a.m.
I wore shorts year round until I started working here. Stupid uniforms.
Well, I'll be dipped. I learned something today. That'll do me for a month or two. I don't wanna get TOO smart.
And thanks to GPS, who apparently is adept at more than just whacking his snorkle.
No! This! 49¢
Linux compose key codes here for those running a real OS, which I suppose is most of you.
11/21/13 9:28 a.m.
on a Mac it's option shift 4 ($) = ¢
11/21/13 9:47 a.m.
For the Cent symbol: ¢
Open the character map program, use time new roman and the DOS: United States character set. Find the character you're looking for and click on it.* Then in the bottom of the window, it will say something like : U+00A2
If this wasn't nerdy enough, open up the calculator and turn it to the programmer view, and click on the HEX radial button. Now type the number/letter combo that is after the 'U+', in this case it shows up as 'A2'. Click on the DEC radial button to translate from Hexadecimal to Decimal.
Use this number with the ALT button to get that funky character you've been looking for! If it doesn't work, put (a) zero(s) in front of it to make a four digit number.
*Note: at this point you could just use the copy function built into the program and paste it into word/....
I'm not sure why the 'DOS: United States' part but that's how I figured out the cent symbol. I don't really understand, I learned this from an electrical engineer in college. I have to figure it out every time.
¢ Yep, there it is. Cool.
11/21/13 1:20 p.m.
17 F this morning. It was hard to start the car, glad I wasn't planning to drive the Diesel!
84°F (29°C) today. I guess I take the high score?
So what the hell is this thing? > щ