I have an acquaintance who is all in to things that usually turn out to a lot less than advertised. He loves Multi Level Marketing and is always sure he's going to make a killing by being in the right place in the pyramid. He never wins.
Now he's into the Iraqi Dinars. He swears, and has sent me some data that appears to at least partially back him up, that there's a new currency going into effect in Iraq that you can buy into now and when it becomes official you will multiply your money many fold.
Since you guys know everything I thought some of you might have heard of this scam, or is it legit?
Here's his "recommended" banker of choice
New Reader
9/21/12 12:44 a.m.
9/21/12 5:56 a.m.
I lost alot of money by investing in a Waffle House in Baghdad. It was part of the Iraqi Diner scam.
Yep scam for sure. Clark Howard tells me so.
And I have friends like that, that buy into pyramid schemes.
As they've said for thousands of years, a fool and his money....
My wife got furious at me years ago when I would not let her buy a $50 chain letter. She knew it was a good deal because the neighbor that was selling it to her told her it was good. She finally calmed down when her father told it was bogus.
These guys are all wrong.. THIS IS NOT A SCAM!!!
Just send me 10K and I will get started making all of the arrangements for you.

A scam or a horrible misunderstanding. On another board a guy who sells foreign currency as a novelty was posting about how all his Dinar are getting bought up by oldsters who fell for this, he put up a banner on the site advising people not to buy them for investment purposes but they're still selling like hotcakes.
I've also got some pills that you can drop into your gas tank to improve your mileage (please ignore the fact they smell like naptha).
MIL bought into that one. The pastor and his wife that were pushing that scheme got arrested...
It felt wrong and I've learned to trust my gut. I knew you guys would know.
Nothing I could Google ever said anything about a 100 fold return on money or a revaluing of currency that would give a huge return at any one event, but he had all sorts of things that said so.
I remember listening to the Dave Ramsey show a year or three back when someone called in with that same question re the Iraqi Dinar.
His rant was epic.
9/21/12 8:01 p.m.
anybody here ever heard the old saying ???
if it sounds to good to be true it usually is ......
9/21/12 10:06 p.m.
I actually have some Iraqi Dinars - two 250 D. notes with Saddam's glorious portrait all over them.
I'm waiting for the banknote collectors to go nuts and the value of those to go through the roof. Any day now...
In reply to BoxheadTim:
His rants are quite comical.
In reply to Anti-stance:
That one was at least a 9/10