Have you posted pictures lately? I don't know if your screen looks like mine, but the berk is going on below the URL box?

I started reading it out loud and suddenly stopped. I've seen enough horror movies to know how this ends. These words spoken aloud release demons, reanimate the dead, dogs & cats living together, end of the world.
Nice try, Grassroots. Nice try.
I'm ready, bring on the asteroid!!
3/19/21 11:46 p.m.
Direct from Google Translate (Latin to English)
Translation results
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas eu diam. Maecenas fears. Vivamus diam purus, cursus a, commodo non, facilisis vitae, no. Aeneas said skirt temperature. Now no arrows, nibh not targeted some of them, orci felis gravida justo, sed ornare massa mauris sed More in the game. No, my price and laughter. Fusce mi with the foot, tempor id, the course of ac, ullamcorper nec, for example. But the temperature. Chat employee. Homework outdoor propaganda, but sauce, a basketball, grief and, bored. Until the kids want ante. Remove, looks like in running the throat, peanut salad drink foot in a region just any approval. It needs temperature. Rutrum is to invest element, graduated some players wants some time now peanut offset fears. United States fears a pregnant, pregnant but, this carton base. For basketball, but very poisonous ecological, salad, no skirt region, we need bananas environment is not ugly. For the ugly. Stress skirt. Mauris venenatis congue tortor Curabitur Sed convallis element. Financing pregnant now
It's a centuries old typesetting place holder that resurrects Guttenberg and signifies the end of times. 
PS Domi, locative Funny not funny I can't tell anymore!
It's a collection of Latin phrases and words that are unconnected and meaningless together. It was used to mark where the real text ended so that typesetters knew where to restart their work. Each letter had an individual piece of type and they were placed by hand so it took a long time to set up a piece of printing. Not a problem with word processors but it's still used to fill space.
aircooled said:
It says:
Romans Go Home
No, it says Romans, they go the house.
Beer Baron said:

I love this picture so much.
Its lorem ipsum, dummy text that is used to fill webpages during development so you can see how they would look with real content in them. The dev probably just left that box filled by accident.