Is it just me, or are zombie threads a lot of fun? I know we all bitch about them, but I think it's neat when a canoe dredges up an old thread and we can see what we were talking about a few years ago. Some of the posts may be from people who don't post a lot anymore, and sometimes the topic is something that never really gets old. What's the harm in a little walk down Memory Lane?
I think it's time we started embracing old threads and stopped demonizing them. I know that to most of the people here, anything older than the last-generation iPhone is ancient history, but it may surprise you to know that there are works of fiction and historical accounts that were written hundreds, and in some cases, thousands of years ago that are still relevant and interesting. In the immortal words of Jorge Agustín Nicolás Ruiz de Santayana y Borrás, "those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
9/30/13 8:38 a.m.
I don't have a problem with it- it's fun to compare what ways I'm stupid now vs. then.
Mod Squad
9/30/13 8:39 a.m.
It's not fun. It just reminds me that I'm working on the same project car that I was back then. 
I was stupid then, and still stupid today. Why do you guys put up with me again?
I find i was incredibly stupid when i first joined on the old boards. I have you guys to thank for much of my "education."
I cringe when i find old posts from 2004-2005 i made.
9/30/13 8:42 a.m.
They don't bother me. Though I have caught myself preparing to reply as if it was fresh, and then find my own previous reply already saying the same thing.
What makes me laugh - in a pissed-off way - is being in a forum where the Search Fascists scream "SEARCH FIRST NOOOOOB!" every time a duplicate thread comes up, and then another set of jackwagons screams "OMG ZOMBIE THREAD NOOOOOOOB!" whenever somebody actually finds an old thread to add to.
Duke wrote:
They don't bother me. Though I have caught myself preparing to reply as if it was fresh, and then find my own previous reply already saying the same thing.
Me too. I've actually typed stuff out, thinking, "This seems familiar."
Gearheadotaku wrote:
I was stupid then, and still stupid today. Why do you guys put up with me again?
Cause you're our kind of stupid

My posts of old seem far more intelligent than my more recent ramblings.
Although I've gotten better at starting threads.
Duke wrote:
What makes me laugh - in a pissed-off way - is being in a forum where the Search Fascists scream "SEARCH FIRST NOOOOOB!" every time a duplicate thread comes up, and then another set of jackwagons screams "OMG ZOMBIE THREAD NOOOOOOOB!" whenever somebody actually finds an old thread to add to.
Damned if you do, damned if you don't. I'm on a couple forums like that, too.
It would be nice if the GRM search feature worked, though.
Swank Force One wrote:
I find i was incredibly stupid when i first joined on the old boards. I have you guys to thank for much of my "education."
I cringe when i find old posts from 2004-2005 i made.
Glad it's not just me.
Hell, I'm still asking stupid questions... 
Mod Squad
9/30/13 10:29 a.m.
RealMiniDriver wrote:
It would be nice if the GRM search feature worked, though.
We call that google site search.