6/23/10 7:50 a.m.
Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful to have a garage again after a nearly 10 year lack. But as it's totally unfinished (ie: uninsulated, just studs and wallboard), in the summer it's staying at a consistent...oh, I'd say 115°F. Much to my chagrin, it really is too hot to use - and I come from kitchens, so I know about working in the heat.
The PO of the house left one of these turbine vents behind in a very vintage looking box, so I probably destroyed its collector value by taking it out to play with it (hotlinked because it's only appropriate):

I'm quite tempted to install it, but I'm also hesitant to cut holes in a perfectly good roof that's less than a year old. So, it is worth it?
I do plan to insulate and drywall the garage in order to heat/cool it, but in the mean time, I have motorcycles to fix.
To cut, or not to cut: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the sweat and stickiness of outrageous ambient temperatures, or to take a recip saw against a roof of standard pitch, and by cutting, provide ventilation? (Hamfist 3/1)
alex wrote:
The PO of the house left one of these turbine vents behind in a very vintage looking box, so I probably destroyed its collector value by taking it out to play with it
You took it out of the box? Oh noes!!! You completely ruined it!
My upstairs shop gets crazy hot in the summer. I installed blinds/curtains in the windows for the day time, and run a fan on a timer at night to bring cool air in. So far, it's worked quite well.
How about putting vents in the end gables instead, or even an exhaust fan that vents out through an end gable? I don't like the idea of any more holes in the roof than necessary.
6/23/10 8:29 a.m.
I was thinking of a vent in one gable and an attic fan in the opposite...
6/23/10 8:56 a.m.
Do you laready have power in this garage?
I don't like the idea of cutting a hole in a good roof, but it may be a good idea in this case.
6/23/10 8:59 a.m.
I do have power in the garage. Far too few circuits in there now, but there is power. Wiring is also on the agenda.
I like the turbine because of its free-ness, but if that free turbine turns into a leaky roof...
6/23/10 9:08 a.m.
alex wrote:
To cut, or not to cut: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the sweat and stickiness of outrageous ambient temperatures, or to take a recip saw against a roof of standard pitch, and by cutting, provide ventilation? (Hamfist 3/1)
You win.
Also, I wouldn't cut holes in the newish roof on my garage, but I'm a Bob Costas.
6/23/10 9:21 a.m.
Houses and sheds all over Australia are fitted with those. We call them whirlybirds. For some reason.
There's arguments for and against their effectiveness. See, here, for instance -
Since the roof is relatively new (and therefore you can't justify replacing the whole thing), my vote is no, don't install this.
But that's because I don't trust myself to cut into a roof and be able to keep everything overlapped correctly to prevent a leak unless I'm laying down a new roof (and even then...I suppose it's questionable).
I've always wanted to try the solar powered version of that vent. I have ridge vents on my house though and they work great.
I would adress wiring issues first. 
6/23/10 11:48 a.m.
In reply to racinginc215:
heh, giant orange juicer stuck on the side of the garage.
i vote no on the roof mods. if you are lacking in insulation and other things now, it should be pretty easy to add other ventilation elsewhere.
No. But it's totally worth it to cut a whole in your roof for this:

I want that ^^^ on a Miata hardtop. 
I've been meaning to put an attic fan and a vent in the side wall of my garage. I don't like the look of the whirly birds or cutting a whole in a perfectly good roof. And with the fan you could push air in for positive pressure or pull exhaust/chemical fumes/paint fumes out on command.
6/23/10 3:31 p.m.
Yeah, the fan's looking better all the time. And I'm planning to keep my rafters exposed for storage and such after I insulate the walls and ceiling, so the fan would be especially effective.
Speaking of fans: I have windows in my garage that are always open when it's not raining. Think that would obviate the need for an additional vent, or should I put a couple in under the eaves?
6/23/10 3:49 p.m.
alex wrote:
Yeah, the fan's looking better all the time. And I'm planning to keep my rafters exposed for storage and such after I insulate the walls and ceiling, so the fan would be especially effective.
Speaking of fans: I have windows in my garage that are always open when it's not raining. Think that would obviate the need for an additional vent, or should I put a couple in under the eaves?
if you put the vents under the eves, you may not need to open the windows for ventilation. I also installed a ceiling fan to circulate air in the garage. It helps
EastCoastMojo wrote:
I would adress wiring issues first.
this was what i thought, or use a pipe with an elbow if sideways wouldnt work
Those whirlybirds have been known to let a good bit of water in. I'd go with those low profile roof vents.
These are solar powered fan types, there are passive ones. I have four of those in the roof of the Garage Majal. It gets stinkin' hot upstairs until I open the doors, then it gets a decent updraft.

6/23/10 5:08 p.m.
An attic fan could mount in your ceiling, draw air up into the attic and out your eve vents. That would bring cooler outside air into the workspace and vent any fumes too. Our old house had one and we used the AC a lot less.
Are you sure you dont have a ridge vent already? Most new houses are vented ib some way. If not you stand a real chance of condesation build up and resultant moisture issues, particularly in the winter.
If you look at the peak of your roof from the outside it will most likely have a cap on it that is slightly higher than the roof on either side. It will run the length of the ridge and come down about 4 inches on bouth sides.
6/23/10 6:48 p.m.
It's just a cheapo stick-built garage, so no dice on the ridge vent. I wish.