So... I find myself often saying things like " well, I'm not 35 anymore" and other mid-life complaining in general. I also find myself on the receiving end of the previous generations age related complains as well. As I would like to minimize age related ails in my own future, I have begun looking into supplements. Thus far I have had some general success(and noticeable effects) with Acetyl L carnitine, Creatine Mono-hydrate,and multi-vitamins. Where things start to get complicated is with the b vitamin group i.e. NMN,NAD,Nicotinamide ribose.As well as randoms like B-alanine,L-theanine,CoQ-10,lipoic acid, and propionyl-L-carnitine among others.
I realize that this a car related forum and that this is beyond those parameters. But "you people" seems to know just about everything and represent a broad cross section of varied ages,interests and disciplines. So I figured I would ask.
Thanks in advance.
P.S. this is kinda like a daily driver maintenance/build thread.
P.P.S. On a personal note I have been a lurker for years and "joined" the forum when it seemed likely i would be able to contribute to the car stuff general and maybe even have a go at the "20xx" challenge. However, men make plans and god laughs. I am in the process of closing a real estate deal that includes 3 1900's houses and 20+ acres, that more than most likely, relegates my automotive endeavors to "appliance" status.