Sigh, that ended work for the day.
Mounting a fabricated auxiliary shroud on the riding mower. Foolish positioning of the hand. Oops.
Fascinated and kinda grossed out the boy when I squeezed a bunch of loose tissue and fat out through the hole while cleaning it up. Went between the bones, so no serious damage. Just messy.
Hopefully the boy learned a valuable lesson on tool safety.
Especially since the someone was me. Knew it was dumb positioning. Thought I'd control it on breakthrough. Oops. At least I didn't come out the back side,though that could have been cool in a different way. 
Ow ow OW. Super Hunky (of DIRT BIKE Magazine fame) once wrote a column about drilling a Preston Petty fender while it was resting on his thigh. 
friend of mine was drilling a piece of wood on his lap.. I do not have to tell you where the drill went when it went through the wood
Ow OW. That hurts just thinking about it. I hope it heals up soon foxtrapper.
You sir are your own worst enemy. Don't let it get infected.
Btdt with a bit into my hand many years ago.... I have a nice "S" shaped scar in my hand from the bit.
Been there done that, hand placement is also important with slugging wrenches lemme tell you from experience
So how'd the fan shroud turn out?
So about three weeks ago I was trying to extract a broken setscrew from shaft coupling. Trying to prevent it from turning (it was still on the shaft), I was holding on to it, but pushed a little too hard with the drill. The shaft turned, the bit came out and went right through the nail and into my thumb.
It's almost grown out, and the puncture has healed up, but it still looks pretty good.

So, good time to pick up a nice set of leather gloves for the kid? Might as well grab a good set of ear muffs and a couple sets of safety glasses (clear +tinted) as well while you are at it.
When I started at the nuclear power plant the emphasis they put on ppe seemed over the top. It took me a couple of years to really embrace that culture but even working a desk job my thought process for before a job includes a much more thorough consideration of what might happen. With my nephews we make a game of "what could happen", usually over the top a bit for a good laugh, but the 5-year old is the first one to grab his gear for a tractor ride on the mower.
I was kind of proud when the kid asked my father in law for a set of gloves and then took him to task about muffs and safety glasses when they were running the log splitter. My fil had to run in to town and buy some gear for the boys to have at the cabin, but he was more embarrassed than put out.
Also a good time to consider a drill bit sharpener
6/29/14 9:39 a.m.
my dad drilled a hole in my thumb once. "I won't drill your hand" he says. right.
another time i was building ductwork for a furnace. self piercing sheetmetal screw right into the finger through the glove. had to back it out. there was meat hanging out, i bit off the meat/fat so i could patch it up, my helper puked.
Hell when I was about 5 my grandfather was working on a compressor and asked me to hold the plugwire on the plug while he started it because it "kept falling off"
Dood! You're a E36 M3 magnet. 
patgizz wrote:
i bit off the meat/fat so i could patch it up, my helper puked.
I had an accident with a nail gun and ended up putting a nail through the meat and resting on the bone my left index finger. I cut through the meat with a razor knife and pulled the nail out, taped it up and kept working. My assistant actually fainted when I cut it out. What a sally.
Once when I was real tired after working a 12 hour shift I was helping my bil at a job and Thought it was an ok idea to hold onto the end of the hole saw as he had the drill in reverse to get it off. That didn't work out well. And the scariest thing that's ever happened to me was when we were remodeling my house and my dad was holding a warped 2x4 straight while I was going to use the nail gun on it. He was off to the side and we thought safe but somehow the nail ricocheted or something and grazed his cheek. I will never try that E36 M3 again with anything but my own hand.
6/29/14 6:41 p.m.
nicksta43 wrote:
patgizz wrote:
i bit off the meat/fat so i could patch it up, my helper puked.
I had an accident with a nail gun and ended up putting a nail through the meat and resting on the bone my left index finger. I cut through the meat with a razor knife and pulled the nail out, taped it up and kept working. My assistant actually fainted when I cut it out. What a sally.
i 3" framing nailed through my left index finger and into my middle finger. i let the hospital pull that one for fear of bone damage. nerve, muscle, and ligament damage only, and ended my guitar playing days. still can't use the fingertip to put full pressure on anything.
In reply to patgizz:
My left index finger was already berkeleyed from the time I smashed it between a twenty pound sledge hammer and a metal stake. Squished it like a grape, I have an awesome scar where the insides came out.
Chuckle, first time I tried the drill bit in my smashed finger I did the same thing, ran the drill right into my finger. Think I was using a drill press, believing this should be safe. Pulled my finger right up.
No biting off the fat, I used scissors.
Guess I'm not as tough as I used to be either. After a few minutes I had to sit down and put my head between my knees to keep from fainting. Only a minute or two, but....
Clean and healing well!
foxtrapper wrote:
Chuckle, first time I tried the drill bit in my smashed finger I did the same thing, ran the drill right into my finger. Think I was using a drill press, believing this should be safe. Pulled my finger right up.
No biting off the fat, I used scissors.
Guess I'm not as tough as I used to be either. After a few minutes I had to sit down and put my head between my knees to keep from fainting. Only a minute or two, but....
Clean and healing well!
My dad used to do that whenever he smashed a finger, really small bit through the nail to relieve pressure. He used to use an air drill with a tiny bit and never had a problem. Worst ive done as far as on the job repairs is working at a to remain nameless nuke facility while on outage we were setting a 4 ft tall safety valve with no way to rig it up so we had to muscle it into place. just as we set it down my arm got caught between the valve and a pipe and popped my shoulder out of socket. As my company was on a streak of like 3.5 million man hours without a lost time accident I had my coworker pop my shoulder back in before anyone saw us. He felt my shoulder pop back in and then he puked LMAO.
I swear that every time I've hurt myself, there's been a little voice in my head just before it, saying "Hey, don't do that!", and I ignore it.
bravenrace wrote:
I swear that every time I've hurt myself, there's been a little voice in my head just before it, saying "Hey, don't do that!", and I ignore it.
you have that too? mine says this isnt a good idea. then afterwards I get a told you so from inside my own head. 
There is only one person I know that has caused more damage to himself accidentally. It's not me, but that is similar to the reason my wife keeps a well stocked first aid kit sitting around.